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Euromillions History Files: Results, Lottery Drawings, Draws, Past Winning Numbers

By Ion Saliu

Files: Euromillions, Euromillónes, Euromilhões, Euromillionen lotto results, drawings, draws, previous numbers, history.

This is about how to create and maintain a Euromillions history or results file (drawings or past winning numbers) in the Euromillions, Euromillónes, Euromilhões lotto game (currently 5 of 50 + 2 of 12). The results file of past winning numbers was created from the start of this Euromillions game format through the date specified above the results file. The history file is in LotWon format — ready to use by MDIEditor Lotto WE and other LotWon programs (lottery, lotto software created by Ion Saliu, the most astonishingly creative and generous computer programmer at-large). All LotWon data files must be in text format, that is, the simplest form of a file: No codes at all. Usually, this type of files has a .txt extension. You don't need to add any extension to the file name of your Euromillions results file.

• Do NOT mix different game formats in the same results file! Start a new data file if the game format changes (e.g. from '5 of 50' + '2 of 9'). If the lottery commission changes the game format, you must create a new lotto/lottery data file! Do not mix game formats in one data file! For example, Pennsylvania changed from lotto 6/69 to lotto 6/49. I discarded of all previous lotto 6/69 drawings. I renamed the old 6/69 file and preserved it for archiving and researching purposes. I started from scratch a Pennsylvania lotto 6/49 history file. I recreated also the SIMulated data file, specifically for a 6/49 lotto game. The Powerball game changed its format (January 7, 2009) from 55 regular numbers to 59 regular numbers; from 42 power balls to 39. I proceeded as above. I changed the Powerball data files to contain only regular lotto numbers from 1 to 59 and power balls from 1 to 39. Please pay special attention to this requirement of SuperPower, LotWon, and 'MDIEditor And Lotto WE' software. More than a tip — it is a requirement: Do not mix various game formats in the same data file — ever! All types of statistical analysis or combination generating would be abherrant!

Get the latest Euromillions, Euromillónes, Euromilhões results over the Internet: www.Euromillions, Euromillónes, Euromilhõ - Something Like That or This: Internet addresses change like in a nightmare — Search, baby, search... baby, search! The best-formatted results are offered by the Pennsylvania state lottery commission. This is currently the address, but they might change without notice, especially due to too many visitors or too much success with Ion Saliu's theory and software. The HTML table format works great with word processors such as WordPerfect, even WinWord. The tables work also well in spreadsheets.

Look at this excellent presentation of past winning numbers (past results) by PA Lottery Commission:

Buy the best software: Lottery, Powerball, Mega Millions, gambling roulette, blackjack, sports.

Let other lottery commissions know about sanity in data presentation. Some of them are downright malicious. They intentionally present the results in the least usable or the most impossible formats. They mix words, numbers, dates, greetings, commas, percentage signs, dots, asterisks, CHR(249), @, +,-,…, everything inseparable and mixed-up!

Just copy and paste the lines containing the Euromillions results to a new text file (in MDIEditor Lotto WE, or PSPad, or QEdit, or another text editor). I still frequently use a great 16-bit DOS (command prompt!) application: QEdit (or the Q editor). Alas! Windows Vista (64-bit) no longer runs 16-bit software, no matter how great!

The most powerful software capable of handling the game of Euromillions is known to the world as MDIEditor Lotto. It has specific functions that crunch the Euromillónes: statistical reporting (frequency and skips), filter analysis, and optimized combination generator. Steps in menu: Lotto, then Euromillions 5+2, then type of Euromillions-combination generating.

• Not to mention, MDIEditor And Lotto WE is totally free (for registered members of the software download site)!

The super application comes with a sample data file: DataEU. Open it via Menu, File, Open or the Open button on the toolbar. Overwrite the numbers in the sample file with the real draws in your game. Be sure to preserve the format: 5 regular numbers + 2 Star numbers. If your data didn't cover all lines in the sample, select the remaining lines and delete the bloc. Also, be sure there is no empty line in your data file. Save the file.

Next time you add Euromillions winning numbers (new draws), press Enter to add a blank line to the top of file. Type the new Euromillions drawings… and so on…

The most comprehensive lotto software also works with Euromillions game: 5 regular lotto numbers plus 2 Star Balls.

Name your results file, for example, EuroD or DataEu. Ion Saliu's file names: EURO.DAT for the Euro Million results file and Euro.txt for the temporary file that holds the latest Euromillions drawings obtained from the Internet (copied and pasted in a word processor, like WordPerfect, or even WinWord).

Be sure to copy only the lines with the results as printed here. Do not leave any empty lines in your results file. The oldest drawing is the last line in the drawings file. The most recent (latest) draw always goes to the top of your data file for the Euromillions, Euromillónes, Euromilhões game or any other lottery game.

When updating the Euromillions results (history) file, copy and paste only the top line(s) not present in your file. You can also type the results, but be sure to follow the same format. The format is five regular Euromillions numbers, in ascending order, separated by one or more blank spaces (comma is also acceptable). The sixth and seventh numbers in every line represent the Star Numbers (the yellow balls, as they show on TV). The Star Numbers are also sorted in ascending order. The file abiding by this format works wonders with MDIEditor Lotto WE and the two programs presented below.

Extraordinarily powerful software creates Euromillions lotto systems and reports the statistical frequency: SkipSystem. The special software shows the regular Euromillions numbers and the Stars sorted by frequency with their respective number of hits (plus percentages).

Another piece of great software is SUMS. The program shows the sums (sum-totals) of every Euromillions, Euromillónes, Euromilhões, Euromillionen drawing, plus root sum (Fadic addition), average, standard deviation, average deviation, and average deltas.

The two powerful and fast programs cover a multitude of lotto and lottery games, plus horse racing. Get the special software now from the greatest downloads site, software category: 5.1 or 5.2. The link is in the footer of this incredibly useful page.

Read a most meaningful statistical report for the Euromillions 5/50 + 2/12 lottery game:

Euromillions Stats, Numbers Ranked by Frequency, Best to Worst, Hot to Cold.

The Euromillions results (drawings) were moved to a standalone Web page. The page is easier to maintain and download (actually, simple copy-and-paste will do). The page has a link to bring you back here, in case you need a memory refresher.
Click the Next button to get to the Euromillions results (drawings, past winning numbers, etc.) Please be mindful that the resource requires paid Permanent Membership (a very reasonable fee entailing to downloading all my software). Euromillions, Euromillónes, Euromilhões, Star Number: Drawings, draws, results, past winning Euromillions, Euromillónes, Euromilhões numbers.

Euromillions, Euromillónes, Euromilhões, Star Number: Software, systems, generate combinations, calculate odds. Euromillions with the best lottery software.

Get Euromillionen, Euromillions, Euromillónes, Euromilhões Results, Drawings, Draws, History, Past Winning Numbers.

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Euromillions, Euromillionen, Euromillónes, Euromilhões results, drawings, draws, past winning numbers, history.

Euromillions, Euromillónes, Euromillionen, Euromilhões Results, Drawings, Draws, History Files.

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SALIU.COM: Site of Euromillionen, Euromillions, Euromillónes, Euromilhões results, drawings, past winning numbers.