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Comparative Lottery, Lotto Software Programs - Analysis, Review

The best lottery software, programs, lotto software.

Posted by Karl M. on August 27, 2000.

In Reply to: Questions on Ion Lottery Software, Lotto Software, Programs posted by Ion Saliu on August 24, 2000.


As soon as I have something tangible I'll pass along my theory and results. I'll take you on your word to keep this secret as I have no desire to make this common knowledge yet. I'd like to profit if possible from it before it becomes common knowledge. Will communicate the specifics via e mail as this format is too open. Best wishes.


: Thanks, Ion. I don't disagree with what you said. Algthough I still am a bit hazy on how to manually input for your any/ver filters, I like that the any/ver aspect of your program the most. I have the impression that we input the any/very output from the lotto 6 calculation into the max input area; however, I still do not quite understand what to input into the min input area. I can hear you now, "Read the directions again." Surely I will. Purely for the love of science and money, I incorporated a slight "modification" into your Medieditor input routine that might make its output even more reliabl...or "fine tuned". I That's my hypothesis. I await the empirical evidence, so I will say no more of it at this time. I could not have even had the idea if I had not been made aware of your awesome body of knowledge. Thanks, again. I will say this however, one might call my "modification" a paradigm shift. That's all folks.

: Karl:
: Thanks very much, indeed. Now you made me REALLY curious. I hope you will tell me more about your addition to “MDIEditor”. You can do so in a private email. Confidentiality is guaranteed. You haven't heard anybody and never will that I disrespect confidentiality.

: To answer your question on using “MINIMUM ANY” or 'MINIMUM VER”. The minimum level must be less than the maximum; it can never be equal to or larger than the maximum. The “Maximum Any” represents the basis of the “Free winning strategy”, as most users understood it correctly. It represents the number of drawings that all 6 winners of the current drawing repeated from. For a long series, the median of “Any-6” in the W6 report will be very close or equal to the median calculated by FFG. Of course, you can set both the minimum and the maximum levels of “Any” or… any other filters. Again, Max must be at least Min+1. If you set min_Any6=5 and Max_Any6=6 you expect the “Any” filter to be EXACTLY 6. If you set Min=2 and Max=12, the following things happen. The 6-winner group of the next drawing will not be a repeat from the most recent 2 drawings. Simultaneously, the 6-winner group of the next drawing must be a repeat from the last 12 drawings. Again, “Any6” deals with ALL 6 winning numbers.

: Here is one more detail on how the minimum and the maximum levels of “Any6” work. Let's say the user sets min_Any6=2. Let's suppose the two past drawings consist of 12 unique numbers. Min-Any6=2 will ELIMINATE exactly C(12,6)=924 combinations. If the user sets MAX_Any6=2 the program will LEAVE TO PLAY a number of combinations equal to C(12,6)=924. If min-Any6=MAX_Any6=2, the program will eliminate 924 of 924 combinations to play. Result: 0.

: More, later. You can use the filters knowing you will be…wrong! In such a case, you want to purge the wrong combinations…

: Ion Saliu

: : KM
: : : • Some informed me that Gail Howard's approach has some similarities to my strategy presented on the Lottowin.htm page. I understand, however, that her method is not based on the fundamental formula of gambling. Nor is her method based on other math formulas. Rather, Gail Howard's lottery strategy appears to be based on observation. From what Karl shows, Gail Howard's lottery does some advanced statistical analyzing and reporting. The software is expensive nonetheless, especially when wheeling is bundled.

: : : The game of blackjack has its myth: CARD COUNTING.
: : : The lottery has two myths: FREQUENCY REPORTS and LOTTO WHEELS.

: : : • The impact of statistical reporting is vastly exaggerated, especially when a lot of graphical elements are thrown in. Let me stress my point right from the start. Lottery is a NUMERICAL phenomenon. Only numerical analyses are meaningful. All graphical elements are irrelevant. All the charts and graphical patterns are meaningless. They lead to nowhere.
: : : As of the numerical reports, only a few have significance, but they still leave the odds at an impractically high level. Most numerical reports deal with the frequency of numbers. Then the software categorizes the numbers into “hot” and “cold” numbers. The player is advised to play only hot numbers, or a mixture of hot and cold numbers. The mathematical foundation of such an approach is very thin ice. The player can wait an eternity for the winning numbers!

: : : I warned the readers of my free lottery strategy presented on the LottoWin.htm page of the expectation. The strategy is aimed at no higher than “four out of six” prizes. I also added a very important element: filtering. The reader is advised to use “MDIEditor and Lotto” and pay attention to the following filters: “Any-5” for lotto-5 and “Any-6' for lotto-6. Those filters will help the player apply the strategy at the most favorable moments. The player cannot afford to apply the strategy every drawing. That's what the filters are for.

My lotto software offers also other helpful statistical elements: the SKIP charts and 'WORST PAIRINGS”. The two elements are a lot more useful than any charts or graphical patterns. The skip charts can be used even more efficiently in conjunction with the fundamental formula of gambling (FFG). I showed that in a lotto 6/48 (or 6/49) game, every number will repeat within 6 drawings in 50% of the situations. Let's dig deeper into this statement. So, the probability of a lotto 6/49 number to repeat is ½ times 1/6 (the number will repeat after 1, or 2, or 3, or 4, or 5, or 6 drawings). The combined probability is ½ x 1/6 = 1/12. But the lottery draws 6 numbers, therefore the probability to get all 6 numbers repeating after 1 to 6 drawings is: 1/12 x 1/12 x 1/12 x 1/12 x 1/12 x 1/12 = 1/12 to the power of 6. The result is 3.35 in 10 million, or about once in 1,000,000. Well, the odds are better than playing 6 random numbers (1 in 13,983,816), but they are still impractical. Which brings us to the second lotto myth: the “wheels'.

: : : • • The lotto wheels or “abbreviated lotto systems” are as louder a myth as card counting in blackjack. I call them “static wheels”, as opposed to the “dynamic wheeling' method in my software. This is an example of a static lotto system: 9 numbers, “4 out of 5” minimum guarantee, 3 combinations.
: : : 1,2,3,4,5,6
: : : 1,2,3,7,8,9
: : : 4,5,6,7,8,9
: : : The more popular wheels are for 12 numbers and 18 numbers (multiples of 6). The reality of playing lotto wheels is depressing. Let's analyze one of the most popular wheels, the 18-number system. On the surface, it covers a good deal of numbers, so most players expect to win quite often. Now, 18 numbers expand to a total of C(18,6) = 18,564 combinations. Compared to the 13,983,816 combinations of the lotto 6/49 game, it takes 753 drawings for the 18-number system to hit 6 winners! And then, the system only offers a guarantee such as “4 out of 6”! Not profitable at all!
: : : Of course, there are methods to select numbers that are more likely to hit in a shorter period of time. One such method is part of my free “winning strategy” on the web page mentioned above.

: : : It is clear that a lot more powerful methods, or strategies, or approaches are needed. Which brings me to the following point:

: : : No player can ever play the lottery profitably without filtering, period. The statistical analyses can only take you so far. The “static wheels” are almost immobile. The only tools that can eliminate a huge number of lotto combinations are the LOTTERY FILTERS. My software uses a large number of lottery filters. I want to make it clear: Anyone can think of any filters he/she likes. Nobody has a given talent to “discover” or “invent' lottery filters. There must be countless lottery filters in this universe. I simply came up with a bundle of filters and implemented them in my software. (I don't want to say that they are very easy to comprehend, for everybody, and from the beginning.) I showed you how to use the filters to even improve “static lotto wheels” (as shown for the WHEEL49.36 case). I also strongly advised that the best way to wheel lotto numbers is to do it 'dynamically” (using WHEEL-6 in conjunction with a set of filters). If you master the W6 reports, you are guaranteed to win, including the big one.

: : : I don't want to make it too long now. I want to stress again that there is no way to play the lottery profitably other than using filtering. Evidently, filtering cannot be done manually; lottery software is needed.

Ion Saliu : :

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