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Roulette Strategy, Gambling Systems Advice: Not Always Free

By Ion Saliu, Roulette Tutor At-Large

Specific tips and gambling systems should be paid-for, including roulette.

Written on September 24, 2000.

In Reply to: Roulette Sleepers Probability, Odds, Dozens, Columns - posted by Noel on September 24, 2000.

: Noel, what do you really want? Free gambling consulting? FFG is very clear. Use Super Formula to your heart's delight. You just apply it to answer your gambling questions. No offense, baby: You got to do some homework. That's it.

: Ion,

: I never thought my questions re your FFG was never welcome. Thank you for making it clear ... just now!!! Maybe what they say about you is true after all, you are just interested in questions of people who are interested in BUYING your roulette systems. NO MONEY, NO QUESTIONS.

: Have a nice day?

: Noel

• I thought there were 500 real roulette players in this huge world. Now I don't think there are more than 200 real roulette players in this gigantic world. There are, however, a whole lot more talkers than I thought. Endless talking will never do it. I have no feelings for endless talkers. Put up, or shut up! Or, talk forever at another roulette message board! Remember, though, I offered The Fundamental Formula of Gambling for free. You can still use it for the best gambling answers! Everything else is, indeed, for a fee. But the fee will be offset in days — if you REALLY play roulette!

I have offered free theories and ideas to a scale larger than any other human individual. I have also offered a lot of free software, including roulette. The result: Everything I create and publish is pirated or plagiarized soon thereafter. I put considerable effort, make the fruit of my effort available for free — and a bunch of pirates harvest the profits for themselves! Read more: Free Winning Software, Systems: True Gifts on eBay, NOT Piracy.

See also the roulette links and resources that follow on this page. Not to mention how greatly I improved my roulette software and systems. Everything is now bundled in a great roulette package: BrightR.

The roulette systems and software are free at this site for registered members of the club.

As for this "complaint" that I am a material guy, just read my ample responses to several questions raised in that roulette message board. Isn't that really free tutoring in the great science of roulette gambling from the true professor of gambling mathematics? Probability for roulette numbers, dozens, columns, bets to miss, sleep, skip. But there are limits. I thought so...

Best of luck, bitterly-axiomatic colleague of mine!

Ion Saliu

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