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The Wonder-grid lottery strategy hit the lotto jackpot in Belgium Lottery

The first lottery drawing I checked contained my favorite lotto number and 5 lotto numbers of top 25% pairs in Belgian lotto game.

Posted by El Loco on March 29, 2001.

In Reply to: Wonder Grid Lottery Strategy Plays Pairs of Lotto Numbers posted by Ion Saliu on March 24, 2001.

Hi Ion,

First of all, I'd like to say that I found your Util-6 program very useful. In my pairs6 file, from the last 6 combinations only one or two (maximum) show a frequency of zero (with 200 drawings analyzed). I do get 6 or so combs with a frequency of zero when just analyzing the last 100 drawings. Maybe I should stick to analyzing the last 100 drawings in the future as well (instead of 200). What d' you think ?

As for your new possible killer lotto strategy...

I checked out your strategy with one of my favorite numbers. the first drawing I checked containing my fav # also had 5 numbers out of my favorite number's top 25% pairs !

Too bad you didn't come up with this strategy a little earlier :)

Wonder grid lottery strategy hit the lotto jackpot in Belgium Lottery.

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Wonder grid lottery strategy hit the lotto jackpot in Belgium Lottery.

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