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Correct testing of LotWon lottery software for accuracy

Ion Saliu: Software, Programs, Apps, Systems, Strategies.

Posted by Ion Saliu on May 13, 2001.

In Reply to: Error in pick-3 lottery software: Correct filters, no winning combination? posted by DEZ on May 10, 2001.

• I have nothing against those who doubt the accuracy of my lotto systems or lottery software. Problem is, some of them don’t put more effort into testing. I explain in the tutorials how the checking should be done. Also, I posted before on this subject.

The key point in testing if my software generates the correct combinations is the composition of the data file. One chooses the right strategy for the next drawing only. Obviously, the next drawing is unknown, belongs to the future, it is not a part of the data file. If the strategy was right, it guaranteed that the winning combination will appear among the combinations generated.

Now, some want to check beforehand if the lottery software has no fault. So, they run SUPER-3 and get the winning report. They write down a group of filters for a particular lottery combination. Then they run POWER-3 for that particular strategy (set of filters). But they don’t make any change to the data file. Of course, the winning combination will not be in the resulting set! The user must delete all lottery drawings above the combination checked, including the combination itself. Now, we have the correct situation. The combination checked is not in the data file, we pretend it is in the future and we don’t know it.

•• Dzitser didn’t specify exactly his/her conditions. Let’s say DEZ had the following data-3 file:
If s/he did the test for the first combination (drawing) in the file, s/he should have deleted the first line in the data file. The new file would have looked like this:
If s/he did the test for the 2nd combination (drawing) in the file, s/he should have deleted the first 2 lines in the data file. The new file would have looked like this:
S/he would have seen the winning combination in every test case.

All future posts on this topic will be deleted ASAP. Enough is enough. Time is money, especially now, when I push my software to perfectionist limits.

Ion Saliu

: Please help me to understand the pick-3 strategy. I ran a strategy that had 5 max. values in layer 1:PR max=100,ALL max=9, POT max=9, VR max=6, and BUN max=6.I used the # 6 as a favorite, and excluded the # 9.The output contained 31 combos. I played them all. The actual drawing was 622.The winning report for that drawing showed showed that the actual values were:All=1, POT=1, VR=0, PR=27, and BUN=0,yet the number 622 was not one the 31 combos generated in the output file. I was under the assumption (but obviously I was wrong), that if all of the actual values were within the the parameters of the values that I set, the Pick-3 drawing (622), would be in the output file.

• Update 2005
LotWon DOS lotto and lottery software has been greatly enhanced in the 32–bit versions. No more pesky errors such as 62. The strategy checking works with huge filter values now. It is strongly recommended that you put aside the 16–bit software and work only with all available 32–bit lotto, lottery software. Not only the 32–bit software is far less error prone. The 32–bit lottery & lotto software is also more powerful by orders of magnitude. The 16–bit have mostly an archive value. The tutorials also present some useful hints from the good ole' days.

Errors in 16 bit lotto, lottery software; use the powerful 32-bit programs.

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Errors in 16 bit lotto, lottery software; use the powerful 32-bit programs.


Ion Saliu: Software, Programs, Apps, Systems, Strategies.

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Correctly test lotto, lottery software applications, programs for accuracy.