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The Best Lotto Software, Portal, Directory, Links, Web Pages

The best lotto links, pages, resources are hosted by this website founded on mathematics.

The following resources represent the lotto at its best. The best mathematical analysis — founded on the Fundamental Formula of Gambling — embodied in the best lotto software of all time. Incredibly, the best ever and most powerful lotto software is free software - with membership to download programs and results! Sure, you have checked many other lotto links and resources. Feel free to do that. Chances are, it will cost you an arm and a leg — all for naught!

You may find out that you could pay thousands of dollars buying all kinds of lotto software. In the end, all those lotto software titles combined do not offer more than 10% of the features of Ion Saliu's lotto software! Lately, however, other software developers had no choice but offer some free versions of their lotto software. Insist on getting some shareware version, or demo, if software is not available. Trust but verify, and thus save your money!

You might find out that all there is in other lotto software or systems: Lotto wheels and lotto number frequency. Forget about it! It's way too little when compared to the lotto software created by Ion Saliu — titles like LotWon, SuperPower, MDIEditor And Lotto WE, Bright lotto software collections.

Resources in Lottery Software, Systems, Strategies, Lotto Wheels

See a comprehensive directory of the pages and materials on the subject of lottery, software, systems, strategies, lotto wheels.

Lotto, Mathematics with Ion Saliu's Paradox.

• Ion Saliu's Paradox Applied to: Lotto, Lottery, Gambling

Ion Saliu's Paradox of N Trials is presented in detail at this website, especially the probability page and the mathematics of gambling formula. If p = 1 / N, we can discover an interesting relation between the degree of certainty DC and the number of trials N. The degree of certainty has a limit, when N tends to infinity. That limit is 1 - 1/e , or approximately 0.632…

If I play 1 pick-3 straight combination for 1000 lotto drawings, my chance (degree of certainty) to hit the winning combination is approximately 0.632 (63.2%). On the other hand, if I play all 1000 pick-3 straight sets in one draw, the chance is 100% that I'll hit the winning lotto number. Of course, I still lose money because of the (monstrous) house edge. Things look very different now. The gain is 100 – 63 = 37% when playing all 1000 pick-3 lotto combinations in one drawing as opposed to playing one combination in 1000 lotto drawings.

Let's say one persistent pick-3 lotto player plays 10 tickets (straight combinations) each and every day of the year. The individual probability is now p = 10/1000 = 1/100. The total cost amounts to 3650. What is the probability to hit at least one winning lotto combination in one year (365 trials)? You can run my probability software SuperFormula, option L = At Least M Successes in N Trials. The degree of certainty is 97.4%. It's not 100% yet! It's for real that none of 10 numbers you select hits on a particular day. But let's consider the degree of certainty 100% — therefore one success. Meanwhile, if I play 1000 tickets a draw in 3 pick-3 lotto drawings, I'll be assured of 3 successes.

There is a clear advantage of playing selectively more in few. There is a mathematical advantage of playing lotto, lottery strategies as outlined at this web site. There is an indisputable advantage in skipping draws and saving the money for playing selectively relatively few lotto drawings.

The lotto systems that can be applied with my software follow Ion Saliu's Paradox of N Trials. The player waits for special moments when a lotto strategy has a higher probability to come to life. The player does not play every drawing. Money is saved; the increased bankroll is spent more efficiently on occasions that prove to have a mathematical advantage.

Mathematics of lotto by Ion Saliu, LottoMaster.

For your convenience, a collection of so-called top lotto pages follows. There is a lot of garbage out there. You'll check it out anyway!

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Lotto Mathematics: Ion Saliu's Paradox of N Draws; DC = 1-1/e.

• These are some lotto pages you can check out and then dare to compare. Compare to this page on the subject of lotto software, systems, theory, wheels.

Best lotto book, directory, loto software programs.

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