HTTP Errors 404 | 403: Not Found, Resource Removed | Forbidden, Access Denied
By Ion Saliu,
Site Owner, Webmaster, Software Developer
Sorry for the inconvenience, axiomatic one! I know you didn't request — and didn't want to see — this Web page. This custom error page was served to you because of one of two HTTP errors: 404, or 403. Other HTTP errors are possible but they are not trapped by a custom error page at this website. Instead, the webserver of the Web hosting company will display their own pages specific to the errors.
• Error 404: File not found; The requested URL was not found on this server. This is, by far, the most frequent error that serves this page to the visitors.
- Make sure you typed the correct file name. Keep in mind that the file names are case sensitive. The sub-string /BBS/ is different from the sub-string /bbs/. Unix/Linux operating systems are unforgiving in this matter. One popular page at this site - LottoWin.htm - is misspelled sometimes lottowin.htm; hence, the 404 error!
- Some visitors add extraneous characters to the URL (address); e.g. LottoWin.htm; or infodown.html.. The ; and . after htm trigger the 404 HTTP error. The referrer also had typos in the URL that sent you here. Thanks, if you let them Webmasters know about the errors.
- There was an unfortunate event of a site takedown because of a bogus copyright infringement complaint in March of 2014. The justice was on my side and my website is back to life after a hiatus — and more vibrant than ever. Since I moved to a different webhost, I decided to not reopen the Super Forum for Lottery, Gambling, Sports, Horses, Software, Systems. I did republish the most relevant articles. Once there, you can read also more about bogus takedown actions and abuse of the copyright laws.
- Probably there are other webpages here still live and close to what you wanted to read. You can launch a search on the keywords that brought you to this link. Use the search facility of this website, based on fresh information, always indexed up-to-the-date.
- The Sitemap in the footer here lists most pages on this Web site with their HTML titles and descriptive snippets.
- You can also take advantage of a great feature offered by Google. Use the section at the bottom of this custom error page: Other things to try. Paste the URL that you wanted to access; or, type a few relevant keywords you knew about in the original link you clicked on to bring you here.
•• Error 403: Forbidden; Access denied; the visitor was banned by IP address — I serve that treatment to bad guys!
- No matter what the visitor tries, including clicking on the correct URLs, he/she will always see this very page! They need send this webmaster emails promising they became good guys — this magnanimous webmaster may lift the ban!
- The error can be also triggered when a visitor wants to access and work directly in a folder like images or cgi-bin; e.g. view a list or directory of files, pics, scripts. Only an exact filename will open in the browser; e.g. saliu.com/images/Ion-Saliu.jpg.
- Sometimes, rarely, the 403 error is triggered by an attempt to download software that requires membership. Click on the top banner to see what options are available (they are very affordable!)
Use Google to search the SALIU.COM Web site. The results will be displayed right here, on this search page.
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