Get software, gambling systems, strategy for casino craps, roulette, baccarat, blackjack.

Casino Gambling Software: Baccarat, Blackjack, Roulette, Craps, Systems, Basic Strategy

By Ion Saliu, Programmer of Gambling Software

Visit the gambling software download site loaded with software, gambling systems, strategy for casino roulette, baccarat, blackjack, craps.

        • Category 5.5. The casino gambling software at this website is NOT free to download. One-time payment is required in order to download all programs. The fee is negligible when compared to similar casino software packages. Without a doubt, the software you download here is far superior to any similar products.
        Moreover, some of the bet spreadsheet software titles you find here are absolutely unique. You will not find similar applications regardless of prices. Mind you, "casino gambling software" from others will cost you hundreds of dollars... even thousands... Just for counting cards or real casino roulette spins (that are otherwise free to copy-and-paste over the Internet!)
        Your permanent membership (currently $29.99) entitles to downloading all software titles, in all 7 categories, including all upgrades and updates without further payments.
        The casino gambling software you download is free to run for an unlimited period of time. It has no crippled features, and no strings attached. It is not shareware: It is totally freeware.
        Unless otherwise indicated, the applications available for downloading here are compiled as 32-bit software. The software runs under all 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows. Highly recommended to read the fundamentals:
        Software for Lottery, Lotto, Casino Gambling, Probability, Statistics (page also listing the 7 software categories available to download).

Reviews, presentation of sports betting software, sporst, run free with easy payment.

Run the best casino gambling software for roulette, blackjack, baccarat, craps.

All standalone programs listed below are automatically included in the Bright gambling software package.

The most powerful roulette software and bundled systems and strategies comes in one easy-to-use application.

Download BrightR
BrightR is, without a doubt, high-powered integrated roulette software. The truly winning roulette software package, with gambling systems that can be checked against any results file. It bundles in a convenient system the most important pieces of roulette software created by Ion Saliu. The latest version includes wheel layout forms to quickly and accurately apply the roulette system based on wheel halves layout, bias betting — the original roulette system that was pirated and distributed at exorbitant prices. Be sure to read the ReadMe.txt file soon after you downloaded and uncompressed your package.
This software package has a dedicated tutorial here:

  • BrightR: High-Powered Integrated Roulette Software. Read also: Roulette System: Wheel Halves, Sectors, Layout, Bias Betting.

    The most powerful roulette software and bundled systems and strategies come in one easy-to-use application.

    * Download SuperRoulette, most likely the most advanced and promising act in roulette software programming.
    SuperRoulette accompanies the incredible Super Roulette Strategy With The Best Roulette Systems Ever Released = Now Free! Read this carefully, for you could strike real BIG: Super Roulette Strategy.

    * RouletteHemis, roulette betting software.
    RouletteHemis is a superior roulette spins analyzer regarding the slot location and the Birthday Paradox. The roulette wheel is divided into two semicircles or hemispheres or sectors. The inside sector consists of the number drawn plus 9 slots to the left and 9 slots to the right. The opposite half of the roulette wheel represents the outside hemisphere.
    Be sure to read more details in the 'Lottery, Lotto, Gambling Forum':
    Roulette Software: Wheel Positioning, Birthday Paradox.
    Read also: Roulette Systems on Wheel Position, Sectors, Slots, Birthday Paradox.

    * Download SPINS, roulette statistical software.
    SPINS is an excellent roulette spin generating application, plus a statistical analyzer of the roulette spins. This program is also a great complement to the free roulette system #1 presented on the roulette page. According to the system, it is recommended to play after 2 consecutive '-' in the 'Result +/-' column.
    The winning system #1 and winning system #2 represent the best FREE winning roulette strategies available anywhere!
    Read also: Updates to lottery, roulette skip software.

    Download HAMB00.DAT.
    HAMB00.DAT data file with real roulette spins from Hamburg, Germany Casino (Spielbank). The 1968 spins were recorded in February 2000 (0 WE). To be used with the gambling software SPINS, ROULETTE, SuperRoulette.
    Download HAMB0106.WH1.
    HAMB0106.WH1 is a data file with real roulette spins from Hamburg, Germany Casino (Spielbank). The 7990 spins were recorded for the entire month of January 2006 at roulette table (tisch) #1. To be used with the gambling apps SPINS, ROULETTE, and SuperRoulette.
    Read: Roulette Number Pairing: Real Spins From Hamburg Spielbank (Casino).

    * Download Roulette, a more powerful piece of roulette software.
    ROULETTE does what SPINS does, and then some. This program adds a new system to the free roulette system #1 presented on the Roulette Systems page. Instead of tracking only the last 5 spins, Roulette tracks also the last 15 spins as displayed on the roulette marquee.
    This program is now the identical twin of SuperRoulette to diffuse any confusion from my previous writings or software offerings.

    The probability theory is applied to the casino games of BLACKJACK, Black Jack, Roulette.

    * Download BJAQK or download Blackjack, casino blackjack software.
    BJAQK is a probability and statistical analyzer of thousands of Black Jack hands from the perspective of a strict blackjack basic strategy player. This program is a great complement to the free blackjack system presented on the page: The Best Casino Gambling Systems: Blackjack, Roulette, Limited Martingale Betting, Progressions — Limited-Step Martingale. Read also the dedicated page: Software to Analyze Blackjack Streaks: Wins (W+), Losses (L-), Busts, Pushes.

  • The software generates truly random blackjack hands based on the probability of winning/losing/pushing from the standpoint of applying strict basic strategy rules. The software user can choose to generate and automatically analyze any number of hands, from dozens to millions (even billions, if the PC is out of this world!) The analysis is saved to a text file that can be viewed in any text editor. The report is so logically organized that even a modest blackjack player will comprehend it.
    For more on the occult science of blackjack, its solid mathematics presentation, plus fundamental probability theory don't you hesitate to read this super blackjack page:
    * Winning Blackjack Systems, Strategy, Theory. Blackjack, roulette software. Theory of Probability, Systems, Basic Strategy Color-Coded Charts.

    Run unique software for blackjack basic strategy table.

    * Download BAQKARAT or download Baccarat, casino baccarat software.
    BAQKARAT is a probability and statistical analyzer of thousands of baccarat hands for the three outcomes: Banker, Player, and Push (Tie). This program is a great complement to the free casino strategy presented on the page: The Best Casino Gambling Systems: Blackjack, Roulette, Limited Martingale Betting, Progressions — Limited-Step Martingale.
    The software simulates random Baccarat hands for the three outcomes: Banker (B+), Player (P-), and Push (0). The program outputs the skip chart of the Banker (B+) and Player (P-) hands; 0 means push (tie). The software user can choose to generate and automatically analyze any number of hands, from dozens to millions. The analysis is saved to a text file that can be viewed in any text editor. The report is so logically organized that even a modest baccarat player will comprehend it.
    For more on the occult science of baccarat, its solid mathematics presentation, plus fundamental probability theory don't you hesitate to read this super baccarat page:
    Winning Blackjack Systems, Strategy, Theory. Casino Games: Baccarat, Mini-Baccarat, And The New Super Baccarat.

    Special statistics software ranks roulette numbers by frequency.

    Download FrequencyRank: Software to generate frequency reports two ways:
    1.- Regardless of position;
    2.- Position by position.
    The numbers are ranked by frequency in descending order. The software covers Lotto, Lottery, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Horse Racing, Roulette, NFL Football.

    Roulette software creates betting systems based on Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG).

    Download SkipSystem: Gambling and lottery software to automatically create lotto, lottery, gambling systems derived from skips and based on the FFG median. The heart of this system is the skip, more precisely the last two skips for each lotto game. Those are the first two or three values of the skip report that starts every lotto, lottery numbers.
    Read: Skip Systems Software for Lotto, Lottery, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Horse Racing, Roulette.

    Run baccarat software to generate betting systems.

    Download BellCurveGenerator, gambling and lottery/lotto software.
    Bell Curve Generator generates combinations within the FFG median bell. The Fundamental Formula of Gambling calculates the median automatically. The application handles just about any game: pick-3, pick-4, lotto-5, lotto-6, lotto-7, Powerball, horse racing, roulette and sports betting (including the famous European soccer pools and American sports teams).
    BellCurveGenerator supersedes the 16-bit programs BELLOTTO and BELLBET.
    Read also: Generate a wide variety of combinations inside median bell: pick lotteries, lotto, horse racing, roulette, sports betting, soccer pools 1x2.

    Download your software, gambling systems, strategy for casino roulette, baccarat, and blackjack; all-purpose gambling software.

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