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Winning Reports for Lottery Wonder-grid: GridCheck Lotto Software ~
The Wonder Grid Lotto Strategy Beats Random Play by Over 3 Standard Deviations

By Ion Saliu, Founder of Lotto Mathematics

Lotto Wonder Grid beats random expectation by over 3 standard deviations.

Written on July 11, 2002; later updates.

• The lottery wonder grid is not surrounded by noise, but definitely is surrounded by interest. Maybe people keep quiet about it for a good reason. The Search page of my Web site shows wonder grid or wonder-grid among the top keywords. I also receive emails with requests to detail the concept, and do so on an individual basis! Instead of emailing 100 on-an-individual-basis strategies, I decided to write lottery software to check the lotto wonder grid automatically. The wonder grid is a very complex matter. It would take days and big headaches to check the magical wheel manually and for dozens of past lotto draws.

The new lotto software is entitled:
GridCheck632, version 1.00, July 2002 - 32-bit command prompt lottery application.

Lottery Software: Jackpot Lotto, Pick Lotteries, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Keno.

GridCheck632 checks the past performance of the GRID6 files for various draw ranges. The program starts a number of draws back in the DATA-6 file and creates 3 GRID6 files: for N*1, N*2, N*3 draws. N represents the biggest number in the game. By default, the program checks how the GRID6 files performed in the previous 100 draws (the span). Your data file must have at least {SPAN + (N*3)} draws. If your lotto-6 game has 49 numbers and SPAN=100 (check the previous 100 draws), then your files must have at least 100 + 49*3 = 247 draws. The program will let you know what to do to overcome the error.

The program creates three GRID6 files in the background. The first one is a range equal to the biggest number in your lotto game (e.g. 49); the second file is created for a range equal to N*2 (the biggest lotto number times 2); the third file is created for a range equal to N*3 (the biggest lotto number times 3).
The GRID6 checking reports will be saved to 3 disk files. Defaults: ChkGrid6.N1, ChkGrid6.N2, ChkGrid6.N3. They show how many hits (if any!) the corresponding grid had for a particular drawing. Here is a more clarifying example, with data for Pennsylvania 6/69 lotto game.

                  GRID6.N2 Winning Lotto Number Checking

         ~ Lotto Draw # 37 :   2  4  8  11  16  53 
         ~ Files: GRID6.N2 ( 69 )  against PA-6 ( 37 )

   Line    Combinations                          6       5       4  
   no.       Checked                            Hits    Hits    Hits

     16   16  2  3 40 49 32         in draw #                    11 

         Total Hits:                             0       0       1 

         ~ Draw # 38:   1  9  31  45  55  59 
         ~ Files: GRID6.N2 ( 69 )  against PA-6 ( 38 )

   Line    Combinations                          6       5       4  
   no.       Checked                            Hits    Hits    Hits

      1    1 10 31 26 11 22         in draw #                    32 
     16   16  2  3 40 49 32         in draw #                    11 
     22   22  1 31 32 41 59         in draw #            32 

         Total Hits:                             0       1       2 

         ~ Draw # 39:   18  21  23  25  43  53 
         ~ Files: GRID6.N2 ( 69 )  against PA-6 ( 39 )

   Line    Combinations                          6       5       4  
   no.       Checked                            Hits    Hits    Hits

      1    1 10 31 26 11 22         in draw #                    32 
     16   16  2  3 40 49 32         in draw #                    11 
     22   22  1 31 32 41 59         in draw #            32 

         Total Hits:                             0       1       2 

         ~ Draw # 40: 7  8  19  36  40  45 
         ~ Files: GRID6.N2 ( 69 )  against PA-6 ( 40 )

   Line    Combinations                          6       5       4  
   no.       Checked                            Hits    Hits    Hits

      1    1 10 31 26 11 22         in draw #                    32 
     16   16  2  3 40 49 32         in draw #                    11 
     22   22  1 31 32 41 59         in draw #            32 

         Total Hits:                             0       1       2 

         ~ Lotto Draw # 41: 30  41  62  64  65  67 
         ~ Files: GRID6.N2 ( 69 )  against PA-6 ( 41 )

   Line    Combinations                          6       5       4  
   no.       Checked                            Hits    Hits    Hits

      1    1 10 31 26 11 22         in draw #                    32 
     16   16  2  3 40 49 32         in draw #                    11 
     22   22  1 31 32 41 59         in draw #            32 

         Total Hits:                             0       1       2 

         ~ Draw # 42: 16  29  42  45  50  58 
         ~ Files: GRID6.N2 ( 69 )  against PA-6 ( 42 )

   Line    Combinations                          6       5       4  
   no.       Checked                            Hits    Hits    Hits

      1    1 10 31 26 11 22         in draw #                    32 
     16   16  2  3 40 49 32         in draw #                    11 
     22   22  1 31 32 41 59         in draw #            32 

         Total Hits:                             0       1       2 


         ~ Lottery Draw # 44: 20  21  23  30  42  44 
         ~ Files: GRID6.N2 ( 69 )  against PA-6 ( 44 )

   Line    Combinations                          6       5       4  
   no.       Checked                            Hits    Hits    Hits

      1    1 10 31 26 11 22         in draw #                    32 
     16   16  2  3 40 49 32         in draw #                    11 
     22   22  1 31 32 41 59         in draw #            32 

         Total Hits:                             0       1       2 


         ~ Lotto Draw # 46: 2  20  22  34  43  47 
         ~ Files: GRID6.N2 ( 69 )  against PA-6 ( 46 )

   Line    Combinations                          6       5       4  
   no.       Checked                            Hits    Hits    Hits

      1    1 10 31 26 11 22         in draw #                    32 
     16   16  2  3 40 49 32         in draw #                    11 
     22   22  1 31 32 41 59         in draw #            32 

         Total Hits:                             0       1       2 

         ~ Draw # 47: 24  43  45  48  62  63 
         ~ Files: GRID6.N2 ( 69 )  against PA-6 ( 47 )

   Line    Combinations                          6       5       4  
   no.       Checked                            Hits    Hits    Hits

      1    1 10 31 26 11 22         in draw #                    32 
     16   16  2  3 40 49 32         in draw #                    11 
     22   22  1 31 32 41 59         in draw #            32 
         Total Hits:                             0       1       2 


         ~ Lotto Draw # 49: 7  16  23  32  63  64 
         ~ Files: GRID6.N2 ( 69 )  against PA-6 ( 49 )
   Line    Combinations                          6       5       4  
   no.       Checked                            Hits    Hits    Hits
      1    1 10 31 26 11 22         in draw #                    32 
     16   16  2  3 40 49 41         in draw #                    11 
     22   22  1 31 32 41 59         in draw #            32 

         Total Hits:                             0       1       2 

         ~ Lotto Draw # 50: 2  16  40  46  53  68 
         ~ Files: GRID6.N2 ( 69 )  against PA-6 ( 50 )

   Line    Combinations                          6       5       4  
   no.       Checked                            Hits    Hits    Hits

      1    1 10 31 26 11 22         in draw #                    32 
     16   16  3 49 33 40 41         in draw #                    11 
     22   22  1 31 32 41 59         in draw #            32 

         Total Hits:                             0       1       2 

         ~ Draw # 51: 2  10  27  33  45  55 
         ~ Files: Lotto GRID6.N2 ( 69 )  against PA-6 ( 51 )

   Line    Combinations                          6       5       4  
   no.       Checked                            Hits    Hits    Hits

      1    1 10 31 26 11 22         in draw #                    32 
     16   16  3 49 33 40 41         in draw #                    11 
     22   22  1 31 32 41 59         in draw #            32 

         Total Hits:                             0       1       2 


         ~ Lottery Draw # 53: 17  21  40  41  53  69 
         ~ Files: GRID6.N2 ( 69 )  against PA-6 ( 53 )

   Line    Combinations                          6       5       4  
   no.       Checked                            Hits    Hits    Hits

      1    1 10 31 26 11 22         in draw #                    32 
     16   16  3 49 26 33 34         in draw #                    11 
     22   22  1 31 32 41 59         in draw #            32 

         Total Hits:                             0       1       2 

The lotto draw range or the span of analysis is a most important element. We were not sure about the optimal value of the range. First, I said it was N*3; then I said it must be N. It appears that the best range is N*2. The range N*1 is also a good value. As of three-times-the-biggest-number, it probably creates an outdated grid file. A range beyond N*3 is useless. You can look at the three reports and see which one(s) fared the best in your lotto-6 game. Again, I'm (almost) convinced that the best ranges are N*2 followed by N*1.
The case above is the report for an N*2 grid file.

1) The program started at draw #2 and created a grid file for a range of 69*2=118 draws. Therefore, the lotto software created the first wonder grid: the best 69 pairings in the range 2-120 past draws. The program stopped at draw #120 in the PA-6 data file. Next, the lotto program created a winning report for draw #1. Important fact: the program does not create a wonder grid for the current draw. It would be a case of 'curve fitting': the wonder grid would hit the jackpot every ten draws or so! But such case would not take place in reality! We must exclude the current draw from the range that creates the wonder grid. The winning report (almost the same as in UTIL632 or WINNERS) checks for "future" drawings. In this first step, the “future” consists of one draw only: #1. The winning report check for 6 of 6 winners, 5 of 6 winners, and 4 of 6 winners. I excluded the 3 of 6 prize from the reports. There are way too many lines! The reports would be too large and slower! Right now, it takes around one minute to generate the lotto wonder grid checking software. Usually, there are no hits at position #1.

2) The second step. The program continues at draw #3 and creates a grid file for a range of 69*2=118 draws. Therefore, the program created the second wonder grid: the best 69 pairings in the range 3-121 past draws. The program stopped at draw #121 in the PA-6 data file. Next, the program created a winning report for draws #1 to #2. In this second step, the “future” consists of two draws: #1 and #2.

Usually, the wonder grid starts hitting after 5-6 real lottery drawings ('4 of 6'). Higher prizes require a wider gap between hits. In the case above, draw #38 registered one '5 of 6' hit. The streak continued uninterrupted to draw #53. Had I decided to play just before draw #38, I would have hit 5 winners after 6 draws. That is, draw #32 would have given me one ticket with 5 winners (also one ticket with 4 winners). Had I decided to play just before draw #53, I would have hit 5 winners after 53-32=21 lotto draws. That is, draw #32 would have given me one ticket with 5 winners (also one ticket with 4 winners). A good strategy would be to wait for 5 draws, then start playing for the next up to 35 draws (N/2). The skips are different from game to game. That's why the three grid reports are so useful.

•• How to figure out the validity and strength of various lottery strategies? The most common rule is to compare a strategy to random play. The benchmark is the normal probability rule:
99.7% of the successes will fall within 3 standard deviations from the expected (theoretical) number of successes.
If a strategy beats the random expectation by more than 3 standard deviations, it surely has a solid foundation. The margin of error is less than 0.3%.

Also previously, I presented a static strategy that beats random selection by far more than 3 standard deviations. (See FFG Median, Filtering, Probability, Jackpot.)
The game analyzed was Pennsylvania 6/69 lotto. The probability of hitting 6 of 6 is 1 in 119877472. The probability of winning 5 of 6 is 1 in 317136. The lottery software generated 10,000 combinations around the FFG median. I checked 350 real draws in the 6/69 lotto game. Therefore the number of trials was 350 * 10000 = 3,500,000.

The normal probability rule applied to the 6 of 6 case is summarized by SuperFormula as follows:

  The standard deviation for a lotto event of probability 
  p =  .00000001 (1 in 119877472)
  in  3500000  binomial experiments is: 
                     BSD =  .17
  The expected (theoretical) number of successes is: 0.29 

  Based on the Normal Probability Rule:

  • 68.2% of the successes will fall within 1 Standard Deviation
  from  0.29 - i.e., between  0.12  -  0.46 
  •• 95.4% of the successes will fall within 2 Standard Deviations
  from  0.29 - i.e., between  0  -  0.63 
  ••• 99.7% of the successes will fall within 3 Standard Deviations
  from  0.29 - i.e., between  0  -  0.80 

The lottery strategy I presented had one 6 of 6 winner. It clearly beat the random expectation by one extra standard deviation!
The 5 of 6 case:

  The standard deviation for a lotto event of probability 
  p =  .00000315 (1 in 317136)
  in  3500000  binomial experiments is: 
                     BSD =  3.32
  The expected (theoretical) number of successes is: 11 

  Based on the Normal Probability Rule:

  • 68.2% of the successes will fall within 1 Standard Deviation
  from  11 - i.e., between  8  -  14 
  •• 95.4% of the successes will fall within 2 Standard Deviations
  from  11 - i.e., between  5  -  17 
  ••• 99.7% of the successes will fall within 3 Standard Deviations
  from  11 - i.e., between  2  -  20 

The lottery strategy I presented had 75 5 of 6 winners. It beat the random expectation handily: by 16 extra standard deviations! (75 – 11 = 64; 64 / 3.32 = 19.27 standard deviations. 19.27 – 3 = 16.27 standard deviations beyond the level-3 required by the normal probability rule.)

The wonder grid consists of 69 combinations for a lotto 6/69 game. The wonder grid is expected to hit 5 of 6 within 69/2 = 35 draws. In this case, number of trials is 69 x 35 = 2,415.

  The standard deviation for a lotto event of probability 
  p =  .00000315 (1 in 317136)
  in  2415  binomial experiments is: 
                     BSD =  0.09
  The expected (theoretical) number of successes is: 0.008 

  Based on the Normal Probability Rule:

  • 68.2% of the successes will fall within 1 Standard Deviation
  from  0.008 - i.e., between  0  -  0.098 
  •• 95.4% of the successes will fall within 2 Standard Deviations
  from  0.008 - i.e., between  0  -  0.188 
  ••• 99.7% of the successes will fall within 3 Standard Deviations
  from  0.008 - i.e., between  0  -  0.278

The lotto wonder grid also beat random expectation: by 8 extra standard deviations (1 success – 0.008 = 0.992; 0.992 / 0.09 = 11 standard deviations. 11 – 3 = 8 standard deviations beyond the level-3 required by the normal probability rule.)
The advantage of the wonder grid lottery strategy or system is its much lower COW (cost of winning).

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