Report: Low Lottery Skips Dramatically Increase Chance to Win Lotto Jackpot
The Greatest Discovery in Lotto Mathematics
By Ion Saliu, Founder of Lottery Mathematics
Axiomatic one, the skip represents one of the hottest parameters in creating lottery strategies and systems. The skip is simply the range of drawings a lottery number/digit missed since last hit. It is calculated in two manners, and the results differ by 1:
- amount of drawings back when the lottery number hit last time;
- number (amount) of draws between hits (this value is less by 1 than the calculation above).
This site has the most advanced theory of lottery skips. It is founded on mathematics, specifically the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG). This site is also owned by the author of the best, most advanced software that works with lotto skips systems and strategies. You might want to read the central hub of theory and practice of skips in lotto, lottery, gambling: Skip Systems, Strategy Lotto, Lottery Skips, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, Horses, Roulette, Sports. Specialized software is presented on that Web page as well.
This report is for the 6/49 lotto game in Pennsylvania Lottery. The latest drawing in the results file is 1 11 17 20 24 28 recorded on June 15, 2017. Total drawings in the file: 1268. The report was sorted on the POT column. It represents the largest skip in a lottery drawing. For example, in draw #43, POT was 3: None of the 6 lotto numbers missed (skipped) more than 3 draws since last hit. Two of the lotto numbers hit in consecutive draws (represented by 0); that is, they also came out in the previous drawing (draw #44).
The report shows an accented bias in favor of low skips. For around 15% of the situations (real drawings), all 6 skips were in single digits (0 to 9). By contrast, none of the 1000 lottery drawings had all skips in double digits. In the majority of cases, there are no more than 3 or 4 skips in double digits. Evidently, not all lottery numbers are created equal! As demonstrated in this article, Lottery Systems on Skips Greatly Improve Lotto Jackpot Chances. Why, then, play all numbers that have skips in double digits?!
The statistical report was created by SkipDecaFreq6, component of the powerful Bright / Ultimate software apps.
By the way — the COL column (filter) represents the highest positional skip. See the same analysis, but with the skips sorted by COL: Report: Lotto Skips Sorted by Position.
- We will focus on the current skip being under the FFG median as calculated regardless of position. This skip system hits with a good frequency. In our case, the strategy hit in the top 18 drawings of the report. It is about or around 2 in 100 drawings (approximately 2 times in a year's time).
- The POT column was 5 or under. The report was done by SkipDecaFreq6. It calculates the skips by deducting 1, as the skips in that program behave like filters. For compatibility with SkipSystem, we add 1 to the values in this report. Thus, the POT column becomes 6 or under.
- Here are the numbers found by the non-positional skip system FFG-7: 1st Skip <= 6:
1 2 3 4 5 9 11 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 23 24 25 28 30 31 32 33 35 36 38 42 43 44 45 47
- But look how much waste there is:
1 2 3 4 5 9
1 2 3 4 5 11
36 38 42 43 44 45
36 38 42 43 44 47
- We waste a lot of resources by believing in combinations like 1 2 3 4 5 6, or even 35 36 37 38 39 40, or 44 45 46 47 48 49. It would take trillions of gazillions of lottery drawings to win with such combosnations (a lottospeak term of mine, especially applied disparagingly).
- The lotto numbers are strongly positional. I started a heated debate in the 1990s in the most popular lottery newsgroup. I received intense hatred from some participants because of my findings in positional lottery. You might want to read the Excel and lottery programming page listed in the Resources section.
- Frequency analyses always confirm strong positional biases in lotto games such as 6 of 49. Running my statistical program Frequency Rank shows that virtually half of all numbers came out in position #1 in 1000 drawings. So, we wasted a lot of combinations by playing numbers larger than 26 in the 1st position, etc. In fact, the lotto numbers 1 to 10 came out 756 times (75%) in the 1st position.
- Thusly, we can vastly improve the non-positional skip system created by FFG-7: 1st Skip <= 6. We LIE Eliminate all lotto combinations that start with numbers larger than 25 in the 1st position, larger than 30 in 2nd position, outside the range 8 - 35 in the 3rd position, etc.
Resources in Lottery Software, Lotto Wheeling, Strategies Systems
- The Main Lotto, Lottery, Software, Strategy, Systems Page.
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- Lotto, Lottery Software, Excel Spreadsheets: Programming, Strategies.
Read a genuine analysis of Excel spreadsheets applied to lottery and lotto developing of software, systems, strategies. Combining Excel analysis with powerful lottery and lotto software programmed by this author, Parpaluck.
- MDIEditor Lotto WE: Lottery Software Manual, Book, ebook, Help.
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- Manual, Book of Lottery Software, Lotto Apps.
- "My kingdom for a good lotto tutorial!" Lotto, Lottery Strategy Tutorial.
- Documentation, Help: MDIEditor Lotto WE, Lottery Software, Strategy Tutorial.
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