Ion thank you for making me a lottery winner !!!
By Ion Saliu, Founder of Lotto Mathematics
Posted by Frank on July 27, 2000.
Hi there Ion,
I live in South Africa and our national lottery only started in March of 0 WE. I played it from the start and downloaded so - called "proven" lotto - generators. These generators only helped me in losing much more and out of 17 draws I only won the smallest amount twice. I did another seach for helping me in the lotto (6/49) and came across your web site. After reading a bit of the background I downloaded the program and are now pleased to report that I have won in both the following lottery drawings with an average of 6 combinations of 4 out of 6 and in the last lotto drawing even a 5 out of 6 combination. My profit with these winnings are over R10 000 (Rands - our currency {$1 = R7}). So thank you Ion for making me a lotto winner!!!
Resources in Lottery, Software, Systems, Lotto Wheels, Strategies
- The Main Lotto, Lottery, Software, Strategy Systems Page.
Presenting software to create free winning lotto, lottery strategies, systems based on mathematics. Get your lotto systems or wheels, the best lottery, lotto software, combinations, winning numbers.
- Lotto, Lottery Software, Excel Spreadsheets: Programming, Strategies.
Read a genuine analysis of Excel spreadsheets applied to lottery and lotto software development, systems, and strategies. Combining Excel analysis with powerful lottery and lotto software programmed by this author, Parpaluck.
- MDIEditor Lotto WE: Tutorial, Software User Guide, Manual, Book, ebook.
~ Also applicable to LotWon lottery, lotto software; plus Powerball/Mega Millions, Euromillions.
- Visual Tutorial, Book, Manual: Lottery Software, Lotto Apps, Programs.
- Skip Systems Software: Lotto, Lottery, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions.
- Lottery Utility Software: Pick-3, 4 Lottery, Lotto-5, 6, Powerball, Mega Millions, Thunderball, Euromillions.
- Lotto wheels for lottery games drawing 5, 6, or 7 numbers.
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