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Show all lotto pairs and their frequencies

De Ion Saliu, Romanian-American Fara-Restrictie

Lotto system based on the most frequent lottery pairs.

Posted on February 02, 2001.

In Reply to: Perechi de numere posted by Attila D. on January 31, 2001.


• Munca de Sisif nu mai este necesara, axiomaticule. Programele mele deja contin matricile cu toate perechile loto. Problema este formarea lor, in special in DOS. Am upgraded (?) – modificat – UTIL-6 sa directioneze matricile cu perechile intr-o file – PAIRS6 (ASCII, text, DOS file). Fila (fisierul?) poate fi utilizata in Excel. “File, Open, Files of type: ALL, PAIRS6”. Formarea in Excel este facila. Plus, Excel poate printa 'side-ways’ (lateral?). Acum, prezint lucrurile in Engleza pentru toti vizitatorii…

•• Attila asked if it was possible to show not only the most frequent and the least frequent pairings in a lotto game. He wanted to know the most frequent pairing and also the next best pair. As a matter of fact, axiomatics, my software had ALL the pairings in an array. The problem was formatting and displaying all the lotto pairs, especially under DOS. I just upgraded UTIL-6 to dump all the lotto-6 pairs to a disk file: PAIRS6. It is a text (ASCII) file you can load in any text editor. The first line shows the lotto numbers; the second line shows how many times the two numbers came out together.

For example:

       Number:  1     Hits:   30   ( 15 %)
With #: 14 31 18 19 22 24 26 10 38 40 42 44
Hits: 8 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

The lotto number “1” came out 30 times, or 15% of the total drawings analyzed. It was “most paired” with number “14”: They came out together 8 times. Number “1” was “paired” 6 times with number 31. Number “1” was paired 5 times with number “18”, etc .

The display will be OK with a lotto game up to 60 numbers. There is a 256-character limit per single line. After that, the user will need to edit PAIRS6 in order to get all the lotto numbers in one line, and the frequencies in the line below. No big deal.

The file PAIRS6 can be loaded in Excel and formatted really nicely. The procedure: “File, Open, Files of Type: All”. Select Pairs6 in the directory where you installed UTIL-6. Excel makes it easy to fit the data in rows and columns. After a few tries, you’ll get the right spreadsheet format. The best thing is the ability of Excel to print sideways.

UTIL-6, updated on February 2, 2001; super updated in the Bright / Ultimate Software packages (Super Utilities, main menu).

Ion Saliu

Sistem loto: Perechi frecvente numere loto, loterie.

Resources in Lottery Software, Lotto Wheeling

Lotto system based on the most frequent lottery pairs.

In Limba Romana:
~ Calculator complet de probabilitate pentru loterie, loto, ruleta, curse de cai, sport;
~ Generator aleator fara pereche (!) pentru loterie, loto, ruleta, curse de cai, sport.

Sistem loto bazat pe cele mai frecvente perechi ale numerelor loto, loterie.


Sisteme loto, loterie: Perechi de numere.

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Lottery software counts all pairs in a lotto (loto) game and displays the frequencies in a spreadsheet.