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Lotto Wheeling Software: Avoid Maximum Filter, Five

By Ion Saliu, Founder of Lottery-Wheel Programming

Ion Saliu: Software, Programs, Apps, Systems, Strategies.

Posted on May 30, 2000.

In Reply to: MIN MAX FIVE Filter in WHEEL-6 Lotto Program posted by Gurdial on May 30, 2000.

: Ion,

: Am I right to assume that for Min-FIVE, we use 0 and for MAX-Five we use the total number of lotto drawings to use for the analysis?

We probably have a linguistic problem here... Anyway, your assumtion is NOT correct.

For Min-FIVE lotto filter you always use "Total number of drawings".
You NEVER use MAX-FIVE; it can be as high as hundreds of thousands of lotto drawings! So disregard MAX-FIVE altogether. You have so many more lottery filters to work with...

Ion Saliu

These are the main pages dealing with various versions of WHEEL for lotto 6 games.

Lotto wheeling software requires to not setting maximum level of lottery filter Five.

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