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Max Pot lottery filter maximum level

Explanation of filters, strategies, systems in the best lottery software.

Posted by Ion Saliu on June 20, 2000.

In Reply to: Max Pot lottery filter posted by Tycoon on June 20, 2000.

: I have been through the tutorial a few times now and am getting a good feel for your lottery program-so firstly let me commend you on making such a well thought out program freely available to the public at large. Such generosity is indeed rare!

: 1.My lotto winning reports list two conditions viz. ALL and Max Pot that do not appear in your sample winning reports. Instead yours has DIF and COL with significantly different values. What are the values one looks for here?

: 2. My D6-L file indeed contains two sets of info except that the D6 part of the file is one space removed from the left margn in its entirety. In my case (I ran 6100 Sim-6 for our lotto 649) correcting it would necessitate deleting the spaces manually for all those drawings so that the file can meet the no left margin or top margin criteria. Also when I ran a check on the number of lines in D6-L it read 419 as opposed to 6100 lotto lines plus the least file contents.

MAX-POT is described in detail on the “Winning System” page (LottoWin.htm). The lotto strategy is based on that filter, MAX-POT.

I can’t afford to show everybody individually how to select the lottery filters. Who can do that? I am just one person! I presented the general lottery strategy method quite in detail in various places (the tutorial, this message board, etc.). You apply it to your lotto game. Or maybe other users post their own methods, or tips.

The lottery data files are also entirely a user’s business. The matter is so simple that really irritates me to even mention it. What can be simpler than typing numbers in a text file?! The only requirement is attention. Another way to verify that your lottery data file is correct is to use the sorting utility (SORTING). The program also formats the file so that it looks better! (Is that important? NOT!)

Try to create and update your lotto data files in DOS, perhaps using Qedit. It’s best to always use the blank space as field delimiter. Using commas (,) or other signs may generate errors, depending on the country.

Resources in Lottery, Software, Systems, Lotto Wheels, Strategies

There is explanation, description for some filters in the best lotto lottery software.


Winning levels for lotto software filters are minimum and maximum.

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Ion Saliu: Software, Programs, Apps, Systems, Strategies with Lotlo Filters.