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Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Skips, Frequency, Odd Even, Low High, Increase Decrease

Lottery Software, Systems, Strategies, Analysis, Reports

By Ion Saliu, Founder of Lottery Mathematics

Apply to win lotto, lottery: decades, last digits, software, system, strategies.

First capture by the WayBack Machine ( on July 14, 2003.

Lotto Decades run from the second menu of the Ultimate Lottery Software application.

The following screenshot is the main menu of all programs —

Run lottery software for systems based on lotto decades, skips, frequency of numbers, last digits.

Axiomatic one, looks like a large number of lottery players show a strong interest in the so-called lotto decades. Some lottery players, including users of my software, have contacted me on the topic of lotto decades. I responded privately and publicly. Eliminating entire decades from lotto numbers seems to be very tempting. The action can reduce the odds by factors of magnitude. Problem is, players look at decades the same way they look at other pseudo filters: in a static manner. Au contraire, I always analyze everything from a dynamic perspective. Accordingly, the lotto decade elimination can be only applied in conjunction with dynamic reporting. The report must show how the decades fared in past lotto drawings.

If you set one decade to 6, the program generates 210 combinations (lotto-6)! Don't blame the lottery commissions for cheating! Such wacky occurrences are natural. You can take advantage of them. Other wacky situations are represented by 5 lotto numbers from the same decade. SkipDecaFreq6 will generate a sequential lotto output file. You can purge it safely in MDIEditor And Lotto WE — better off with the inner filters disabled.

The lotto programs introduced at the top of this page combine the lottery decades with last digits, skips, odd/even, low/high, increase/decrease, and frequency strategies. First, the software generates the reports for past drawings, including for decades. As with all LotWon lottery software, the user analyzes first the reports in order to create strategies.

The next step is generating lotto combinations based on the filters in the reports. The combinations can be either sequential (in lexicographic order), or random (open-ended and with some repeated lotto combinations).

I publish here a decade & last digit report for Pennsylvania Lottery 649 lotto game. In the lotto 6 game, there are situations when 5 decades can be eliminated while losing one number only! In the lotto 5 game, there are situations when 2 decades can be eliminated while hitting all 5 winners! That's a reduction of 19-20 numbers from the field of 39!

Lottery software generates winning combinations for lotto decades and last digits.

We could have eliminated all the numbers from the decades 2 and 4 (the lotto numbers 10 through 19 and 30 through 39) and still hit the jackpot (5 winners). There are also situations when eliminating 20 lotto numbers assures a 4 out of 5 hit.

Other wacky situations are represented by 5 lotto numbers from the same decade. SkipDecaFreq 5/6 will generate a sequential output file in text format. You can purge it safely in MDIEditor And Lotto WE — better off with the inner filters disabled. The Command Prompt lottery software can also purge the output files generated by the Skip-Frequency-Decades-Last Digits programs. Or, vice versa: The lotto decade programs can purge output files generated by LotWon or MDIEditor.

This string in the lotto decade report:

1 4 9 12 13 19 39 2+ 3+ 0- 1 0-

can be easily interpreted.

The composition of the drawing 4 9 12 13 19 39 consists of numbers from the following 6/49 lotto decades:
2 numbers from decade 0-9
3 numbers from decade 10-19
0 numbers from decade 20-29
1 numbers from decade 30-39
0 numbers from decade 40-49

The + (plus) sign indicates an increase in the amount of lotto numbers drawn from the same decade, compared to the previous lottery drawing. The - (minus) sign represents a decrease.

With a fast computer, you can generate all possible combinations for various decade strings (strategies). The amount of combinations is always the same for the same decade composition. Keep in mind, the lotto decades are pseudo-filters, NOT true lottery filters.

If you are diligent and patient, these pieces of lottery software (horse-racing too) are true road-pavers to riches.

The lotto decade software does not require huge data files. But larger lottery history files can offer you valuable hints. For example, there was a drawing in Pennsylvania lotto 649 game when the six winning numbers came from the same decade (40-49)! It could — and it should — happen to other lotto decades as well...

The combinations generated by the decades can be very safely purged, especially all 6 winners and even groups of 5 winners from previous drawings.

Lottery software generates reports for lottery decades, last digits in lotto, odd even, low high.

If one enters correctly all filters seen in line (drawing) #1, the program generates accurately the 30 5 of 43 lotto combosnations. Obviously, such an occurrence is very rare and it is best suited for the LIE elimination feature in the Bright software. You can bet baby-milk money that there is no repeat of all filters in hundreds, indeed thousands of drawings. Those combinations are unneeded — they are a waste of money. Therefore, feed them to the LIE eliminating functions!

You might want to look for those situations with 4, even 5, lotto numbers from the same decade. In the lotto 6 game, look for 5, even 6 numbers from the same decade. Those conditions deal a devastating blow to the odds. Such situations do occur, I don't have to tell you about it… What's even better: There are quite long gaps (skips) between such occurrences. Translation: A much-reduced cost of play or COW. Holy cow, I also applied this method to pick-3 and pick 4 lotteries. Yes, the 10 digits can be divided into lottery decades of sorts: small groups of digits.

Here is a real-life situation: Pennsylvania lottery, the lotto 5/39 game (known as Cash 5). The strategy takes into consideration only the decades and the frequency groups. We make the strategy tight as far as the lotto decades go. But we make the strategy loose regarding the frequency: Let only the least frequent numbers come out, for they are the most numerous (50% of the field).

Here is the pivotal report of the strategy checking function in my "dearly secret" piece of lottery software.

Lottery software generates reports for lottery decades, last digits in lotto, odd even, low high.

Lottery software generates reports for lottery decades, last digits in lotto, odd even, low high.

Lottery software generates reports for lottery decades, last digits in lotto, odd even, low high.

The strategy hit 6 times in 1000 drawings (less than three years' time). You can see that the lottery strategy required just 5 combinations when it was successful. That particular lotto 5/39 strategy generated 75 lotto combinations to play on one occasion. But I can tell you that on several occasions the strategy does NOT generate one single combination! The average number of combinations to play (total tickets) is 26.

Let's say you want to play each and every drawing in the lotto 5 game conducted by the Lottery Commission of the great state of Pennsylvania. What I present here is valid everywhere, including that great state or nation of yours.

Playing in all 1000 lotto drawings makes no sense (look at the skips between wins), but let's suppose we do so. The value of the COW (not the Koran main book, but cost-of-winning) would reach $26,000 for $1 per ticket (up to $5 bets available). The jackpot prize is listed at $100,000. The jackpot reaches over $250,000 on occasions, but also $50,000. Let's stick with the listed lotto-5 jackpot of $100,000. Winning 6 times amounts to over half a million dollars for a risk (cost) of just over a quarter of a thousand hundred dollars. The return ratio reaches over 23. It's extremely rare to see such a return ratio in traditional investing. Not to mention that lower-tier lottery prizes would have been won several times during that length of play!

6. Resources in Lotto Software, Strategies, Lottery Systems

See a comprehensive directory of the pages and materials on the subject of lottery, software, systems, lotto wheels.

Of interest:

Lottery players can eliminate lotto decades to reduce the odds dramatically by millions of tickets.

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