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Help, Instructions on Using Markov-Chains Lotto Program markov.exe

By Ion Saliu, Founder of Lottery Mathematics

Instructions to help the users of the first Markov Chains lottery program markov.exe.

The Web page presenting Markov Chains for lottery — theory, algorithms, software — also introduced the markov.exe software:

• Create first a folder called C:\MARKOV, or any name you want.

Download markov.exe to that folder (you might want to right-click the download link).

It is best, however, to download this program to the folder that hosts Ion Saliu's lotto-6 software (e.g. C:\BRIGHT6). It is best to have markov.exe and your 6-number lotto data file in the same directory (folder).

• Start a Command Prompt (formerly DOS, or DOS Prompt) in Windows.

Read this page on complete instructions on working with the Windows Command Prompt, a most productive environment:

• At the Command Prompt type:


You should be in C:\MARKOV> directory.

• Now type (only the bolded text, without the directory name... newbie):

C:\MARKOV>markov < DrawsFile > OutputFile

• Separate all parameters by one blank space. Don't leave out the < and > signs. They signify INPUT and OUTPUT, respectively.

An example with a lottery data file named PA-6.DAT and an output file named PA-6-markov.OUT in my C:\Lotto6> folder:

C:\Lotto6>markov < PA-6.DAT > PA-6-markov.OUT

• The program should work, and it displays a debug message that you shouldn't worry about. The program creates the OUTPUT file.

• If there is no error message at the end of the run, just open the OutputFile in a text editor (Notepad, MDIEditor And Lotto WE, etc.) An excellent editor you might want to consider is Notepad++, available as a freebie from: //

• • Additional Things to Note

• the INPUT is a text (ASCII) file and must be in the form:
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
Notepad is one text editor that can create and edit (update) such files; Notepad++ even better.

• The INPUT: Most recent lottery draw at the top and the lotto numbers separated by spaces!
• The OUTPUT can contain duplicate combinations, and usually the last line has less than 6 numbers and it should be deleted!

This program, like Ion Saliu's software, uses data files in text format only. The data files are simply rows of lottery numbers separated by commas or spaces. A blank space is the preferred delimiter, since it is international — it is required by markov.exe.

The files in text format represent the simplest file format possible. Just type the lottery drawings as:
1 2 3 4 5 6
Nothing can be simpler or easier...

• Again, markov.exe uses input and output files in text (ASCII) format:
1 2 3 4 5 6

• The OUTPUT, however, can be unsorted:
3 5 4 2 6 1

• Ion Saliu's lottery software can check the lottery data files for correct formatting:

• Ion Saliu's lotto software can sort lottery data files in ascending order:

• Ion Saliu's lottery software can check output files for winners:
Super Utilities, the Check Winners function (highly recommended).

• I also created a batch file to automate the running of markov.exe. Instead of typing the program name, then the two filenames — every time — you just type a short batch file name.

• I named the file mark.bat and it has one line only:

markov < PA-6 > PA-6-markov.OUT

• Make sure you press Enter at the end of the line. Change the two file names to suit your needs. Be careful not to add or delete any spaces. The batch file must reside in the directory (folder) that hosts markov.exe and your lotto-6 data file. Mine is in the Ultimate Lotto6 folder.

• You can create the batch file in Notepad. Pay attention when you save the file: Notepad adds the .txt extension automatically. You can override it by selecting All Files (*.*) in Save as type box. Now you can save as mark.bat without .txt at the end.

Type mark at the command prompt; e.g.
(don't forget to press Enter)!

• You can run the batch file again and again simply by pressing the Up arrow. You'll see on screen mark; just press Enter to run the batch file again... and again...

I ran the batch file several times in a couple of minutes. The output file consisted of hundreds of lines every time. I think you should repeat it until you get 20 or so lines.

In my case, I always use Markov Chains, including with my own software, to LIE Eliminate those combinations from play. I know with high certainty that the markovs won't get me good prizes the very next drawing. That type of lotto strategy is also called reversed strategy:

Always remember that nothing works better in lottery than the Command Prompt — period.

Best of luck, axiomatic ones!

Markov Chains lotto lottery software program: help, instructions, tutorial.

Resources in Lottery Software, Lotto Wheeling, Strategies Systems

The lottery can be played with a little help from Markov Chains theory.

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