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Lotto2Games51: Special upgrade to the utility software for two-in-one (5+1) lotto games: Powerball, Mega Millions, SuperLotto, Thunderball, etc.

By Ion Saliu, Power Programmer At-Large

Presenting new powerful lotto software for 5+1 multi-state lottery games.

• Lotto2Games51:
~ Special upgrades to the lottery utility software for two-in-one (5+1) lotto games: Powerball, Mega Millions, SuperLotto, Thunderball, etc.
~ Version: 16.0, July 2009; 32-bit DOS software (Win9x, command prompt or character mode in Windows XP/Vista, including 64-bit).
Requires Permanent Membership to download.

For the bulk of the functions, I will refer you back to the material that presents the entire collection of lottery utility software:

I will analyze here only the new functions: the Rundown functions and the Combination generating modules.

Let's take an educated peek at the main menus.

Lotto software tools for 5-number games.

I enhanced the most important function in the new lotto programs: G = Generate combos, favorites, (eliminate) leasts.

Analyzing groups: singles, pairs, triples, quadruples, quintuples, sextuples in lotto games.

• The Rundown functions perform statistical analyses of single and multiple number groups in the lottos. The groups are:
~ Singles: The Power ball (or Mega Ball, etc.)
~ Singles: One regular number at a time;
~ Pairings: 2 regular numbers;
~ Triples: 3 regular numbers;
~ Quadruples: 4 regular numbers;
~ Quintuples: 4 regular numbers plus the Power Ball.

You already saw the statistical reports for the triplets and the quadruplets in the total freeware (the Tools-Lotto software). The programs determine the span of analysis or parpaluck for each number group. The span of analysis is calculated by the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG). It represents N (number of past lottery drawings) for a degree of certainty DC = 50%.

The quadruplets and quintuplets require very, very large data files. Virtually no lottery has ever conducted that many drawings. It would be great to have real draws. Still, we can use those free SIMulated data files that these very applications create themselves with ease. You can try to generate the reports for the triplets, quadruplets, and quintuplets by using your DPB files. Again, it is not exactly like using real data files, with actual Powerball/Mega Millions lotto draws. On the other hand, the lottery commissions always run fake drawings. That is, they conduct a number of drawings, before the real one (the drawing or result they publish).

Virtually, the source code in my software is optimized to the maximum. Still, the specific rundown reports in these two programs are very demanding. Especially the quadruples, quintuples, and sextuples might take quite a long time on a slow PC. There is no way around patience! If you do NOT have a FAAAST PC, you should not try the quintets: 4 regular numbers plus the Power Ball. The files are extremely large and it takes a very long time to complete the reports!

Run lotto software to generate winning combinations for 5+1 lotteries, drawing 5 regular numbers.

• • Lets look now at the modules that generate lotto combinations, with or without favorite numbers, eliminating the least groups or not.

Lotto software tools: Quadruples or 4 of 5 Powerball, Mega Millions lottery groups.

This new combination generating function has 6 subroutines:
1) Generate Powerball combinations with NO favorite numbers;
2) Generate Mega Millions combinations with ONE favorite regular number;
3) Generate Mega Millions combinations with ONE favorite Power Ball;
4) Generate SuperLotto combinations with TWO favorite regular numbers;
5) Generate Thunderball combinations with THREE favorite regular lotto numbers;
6) Generate Powerball lottery combinations with FOUR favorite regular numbers.

Each subroutine has its own multiple choices:
1.- do not eliminate any least frequent groups;
2.- eliminate the least singles;
3.- eliminate the least (worst frequent) pairings;
4.- eliminate the least triplets;
5.- eliminate the worst quadruplets;
6.- eliminate the worst quintuplets.

Nota bene. There is a strategy error regarding the LEAST functions. Do NOT use the combination generators with the LEAST options in SoftwareLotto6! Always press N or n to disable the LEAST options!

The singles elimination alone has some powers, nonetheless. Keep in mind the gigantic number of combinations in a game such as 59/39 Powerball: Close to 200 million!

Be mindful of synchronicity, too. You may choose a favorite number and try to generate combos by eliminating the least singles. If your favorite is among the entries in Least41, the software will not generate one...single Mega Million lotto combination!

Yes, it can be done manually. Here is what I do. Start somewhere 100 draws back in my Powerball data files. If not enough real lottery drawings, I use the DPB data file, which include SIMulated lotto combinations. I generate all the Least files with 0 as the upper limit. I generate combinations by enabling the respective Least feature (e.g. Least singles). The amount of Mega Million combos generated is quite impressive.

I use the Check for winners function. I apply the winners function for the next 100 draws (that behave here as future lottery drawings). I see how that particular Least elimination feature fared. I go back and set the upper limit to 1…and follow the procedure of generating lotto combos and checking them against the next 100 lottery drawings. I go back again and set the upper limit to 2...follow the procedure above... Set the upper limit to 3...and so on...

Checking for Powerball winners allows me to see a cycle of fruition or potrocel (name chosen for the sake of simplification). I explained on the lottery math page that the degree of certainty comes to fruition within a range of future trials (lotto drawings, in this case). Furthermore, the potrocel helps with figuring out the median skip.

It is really tedious! I want the software to do that automatically for me. It should work like the winning report generators: The lottery software that creates the WS files (e.g. W6.1, MD5.4, etc.) I want the software to tell me: "The upper limit = 3 for lotto 6 is about to hit in the next few draws."

I do know that high upper limits (especially for singles and pairs) are quite frequent — even 4 or more. Such Least files absolutely obliterate the lotto odds! Since they don't hit frequently, they don't generate lotto combos most of the time. But they do hit — with just one lotto combination, sometimes.

I can increase the winning probability even further. I generate the Least files for several past drawings, usually adjacent ones. For example, I go back 6 drawings, then 7, then 8… I combine all output files and play them for the potrocel (as calculated by FFG, Fundamental Formula of Gambling).

Right now, I can only play blindly, but having a high degree of certainty that I can win big, really big in a reasonable timeframe. On the other hand, I do not do things before I know as precisely as possible the underpinning mathematics of things. And there you have the reason... I am referring to those who can't comprehend why I do not posses all those millions and millions in many currencies. You know, like winning the lotteries, beating the casinos, even bankrupting the big guys of the stock market, while skyrocketing certain stocks...

Something else to keep in mind: This lottery software is not distributed on a definitive basis. The programs might be withdrawn without notice. You might have seen quite a few pages at this web site with the header 'Offer withdrawn'. If you are a member, I warmly recommend you visit the software download page. Then, start the downloading ASAP. Keep good records of your membership and also the downloading of these three lotto titles. If the full version released, only registered members would be eligible.

Ion writes the best lottery software to generate Powerball combinations with fewest tickets.

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