1. Introduction to Casino Gambling Strategy, Systems
You may not want to gamble in casinos again, without reading the materials at this Web site!
You may experience a shock, so take it easy. This is the only place where casino gambling is treated with utmost seriousness. Casino gambling is a branch of mathematics. The analysis of casino gambling is founded on theory of probability, more specifically on Ion Saliu's Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG). Furthermore, all theory is embodied in very powerful casino gambling software.
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2. The Best Strategy, Approach to Casino Gambling
This section is not meant to present Ion Saliu's casino gambling systems. The casino gambling approach presented here is nonetheless based on mathematics, as Ion Saliu's systems are. The difference is in the details.
2.1. Beware of Instructional or Training Materials
Be mindful that many casino gambling books, software packages, videos, newsletters, etc. are commissioned by the casinos. Casino consultants write many of such "educational" packages. Such materials only serve the financial interests of the casino kingdom. Your skepticism is the healthy approach. Judge an “educational” package by its mathematical foundation. You'll see next a few examples of mathematical analyses.
You'll see many of said educational or training packages set on the premises of a Las Vegas casino. Do you believe the casinos have a genuine interest in creating skillful casino gamblers? It would be similar to a professional sports team coaching a rival team in their own league! Furthermore, this is hard-core reality. Casinos bar and ban and even try to throw in jail skillful players who gamble and win consistently.
2.2. Do Not Diminish Your Gambling Bankroll in Small Pieces
The first “law of gambling” presented in the casino educational materials is:
~ Divide your bankroll into several gambling sessions.
That is, if your bankroll is $500 divide it into 5 sessions of $100 each. Don't follow that casino rule — ever! Your probability to lose your bankroll is at least 5 times higher. The only improvement is in the odds; i.e. your odds of losing all your money improves by at least a factor of 5! Divide et impera! Casino gambling terminates exponentially faster small bankrolls. The player needs a larger bankroll in order to withstand longer losing streaks. The goal is to reach situations when the player is ahead (i.e. made a profit). The player must quit when striking a profit. Read on.
2.3. Do Not Bet It All after Each Win
~ Beware of casino gambling systems based on doubling/increasing the bet after each win. Such "systems" are disguised as the creation of gambling authors. Many players have heard of the "Turnaround" gambling system. This is one of those gambling systems that doubles the casino advantage, therefore the player's disadvantage. Who else could devise turnaround gambling systems but casino men? Here is the mathematical analysis.
The wins and losses can be counted as streaks. There are two categories of streaks: single win/loss streaks and multiple wins/losses streaks.
The number of streaks can be determined by math formulas. The number of streaks is dependent on the probability of the event. Let's consider here the event of a roulette player betting on red/black at double zero roulette (even money, or 1-to-1, or 1-for-1, or 1-on-1; it's even because both terms are equal).
The probability to win is closely equal to 0.474 (pW = 18/38 or 47.4%).
The probability to lose is pL = 0.526 (or 1 – pW).
WINNING streaks for the player:
• 130 single win streaks (W) in 1000 spins
•• 118 multiple win streaks (2 or more Ws: WW, WWW, WWWW, etc.) in 1000 spins.
LOSING streaks for the player:
• 118 single LOSS streaks (L) in 1000 spins
•• 130 multiple LOSS streaks (2 or more Ls: LL, LLL, LLLL, etc.) in 1000 spins.
The ratio 130/118 = 110.2% shows the advantage of single win streaks over multiple win streaks, OR, equivalently, the advantage of multiple loss streaks over single loss streaks. You can bet baby milk money on the fact that the casinos know extremely well about that ratio. There are games (sluts, anyone?) that offer to the player, after every win, this wager: "Double your win?" or "Bet it all?" That is, if you win 1 unit, your total becomes 2. The casino wants (badly!) that you bet 2 next. The percentage greatly favors the house. Every player should be very suspicious when such a betting "system" is offered.
3. The Mathematical Casino Gambling Strategy for Non-System Players
"What are the probabilities for the Player to be ahead in various numbers of trials?"
Everybody can use my probability software SuperFormula:
Option L: At Least M successes in N trials.
Winning probability: p = 18/37; M must be at least (N/2) + 1.
Here is a number of cases from the player's perspective.
The figures are applicable to all even money bets: black or red; even or odd; low or high (1-18 or 19-36).
1 trial (spin)
- probability (odds) to win: 48.6%; odds = 1 in 2.05
- probability (odds) to lose: 51.4%; odds = 1 in 1.95
(The probability to lose is 19/37; adding zero to unfavorable cases).
2 trials (spins)
- probability (odds) to win 2 of 2: 23.7% (1 of 2 doesn't mean 'being ahead')
- probability (odds) to lose 1 of 2: 76.3%
3 spins
- probability (odds) to win at least 2 of 3: 48%
- probability (odds) to lose at least 2 of 3: 52%
10 spins
- probability (odds) to win at least 6 of 10: 34.4%; odds = 1 in 2.91
- probability (odds) to lose at least 6 of 10: 41.1%; odds = 1 in 2.43
20 spins
- probability (odds) to win at least 11 of 20: 36.5%
- probability (odds) to lose at least 11 of 20: 46.2%
100 spins
- probability (odds) to win at least 51 of 100: 35.5%; odds = 1 in 2.82
- probability (odds) to lose at least 51 of 100: 56.8%; odds = 1 in 1.76.
It's getting worse for the player...
Always keep track of the losing and winning streaks. Be strong and put an end to a winning streak. You are ahead (made a profit), you quit the roulette table. Go to another table and wait until you are ahead. The bankroll is of the essence: It must assure going through long losing streaks. Divide the streaks in 10 spins or 20 spins. Never fight aggressively short or mid-term losing streaks. A good approach to gambling is the next best thing to a good gambling system! Applicable to blackjack and baccarat, too.
This strategy is a must when playing the slot machines. No gambling system can work if the outcome is programmed against the player. That's why Ion Saliu so strongly advises against playing at Internet casinos. The player faces computer programs that run for one purpose only: To make big profits for the cyber casinos. The slot machines are NOT fair random generators, either.
The slot machines are controlled by computer chips that serve one purpose only: To make big profits for the casinos. Some jurisdictions require that the slot machines return at least 90% to the players. That is, the house edge (player's disadvantage) would not exceed 10%. The method used by the casinos to count the player's wins is deceptive (to put it mildly). The tie (draw, push) is considered a win for the player. “You won 1 unit”, lies the slot machine. If the player cashes out, the player realizes that he/she simply received the original bankroll. The player won absolutely nothing!
There is one more trick employed by the slots. The player is enticed to increase the betting amount. There is a bias that favors the player when betting the minimum limit. the idea is that many players go over the head and increase the betting amount. "Play the maximum bet?" Or: "Play your win (double it)?" Such displays by the slot machines are very common. You saw above that doubling (betting the previous win) increases the casino advantage mathematically. Worse, the computer chips inside the slot machines are programmed strongly in the favor of the casino when high bets are placed.
The slot machine approach is to play the minimum limits until the player gets ahead. Then, cash out and move to another slot. Not only does the player avoid losing his/her bankroll quickly. There is another advantage for the player. Playing at a bigger number of slot machines increases the chance to hit higher prizes.
4. Essential Resources In Casino Gambling, Systems, Strategy, Software
Ion Saliu challenged, dared, and double dared any casino gambling author to a competition, in any casino, at any roulette, blackjack, or baccarat table. No gambling author or skeptical mathematician dares to take the challenge. Never did and never will...
For the best mathematical casino gambling strategy for big time gamblers read:
Super Roulette Strategy Now Free.
The Occult Science of Gambling:
~ The Fundamental Formula of Gambling and Limited-Step Martingale.
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