The strategies and systems presented here deal with sports betting from two perspectives:
1) generate combinations in the manner of LotWon lottery software
2) in the manner of casino gambling.
• Some realized that I probably have a sports betting system. Indeed, that's the case. Sports-betting is the starting point of my gambling theory. Back in Romania, I loved to play soccer pools. So, I needed to devise a strategy to give me the best results based on statistics. The system was best suited for the Italian soccer championships (Serie A and Serie B). The Italian soccer games have a high level of unpredictability. In most other national championships, the results are more easily predictable (the home teams win in most cases).
I will present now an abbreviated form of my system applied to the American football (specifically the NFL). I do not offer a computer program at this time. You can apply this strategy manually (pencil and paper) or use a spreadsheet.
Using my strategy for the Italian soccer leagues, I predicted 9 even 10 (out of 13) games (70% or 77%). That is, I predicted with only one prognostication sign: 1, or X, or 2. Then I would use two signs for close games (1X, or 12, or X2), even 1X2.
Win for Visiting Team: 1 (Home losses) + 2 (Road wins) = 3 of 8 (38%)
Home Team
Average points allowed: 16
Visiting Team
Average points allowed: 23
Predicted Score: 20 - 18 for
The rating can be improved further by adding other parameters. How about the standard deviation applied to the scores? Most importantly, keep records for your hits (+) and misses (-) for every team.
You keep records of how many times you missed to pick correctly a particular team. You'll notice that certain teams tend to get surprising results more often than most teams. But it's very unusual to be surprised by the same team 5 or more consecutive games!
I offer several free systems and tons of gambling software to play and win. The list of my gambling, lotto and lottery software is so long, that I can't afford to put it on one Web page. Check the main download site for all that's available for free to run forever. Only downloading requires a most reasonable membership fee (one-time payment). There is no better deal anywhere else in the world.
Here is a list of gambling software that handles sports betting:
• SPORTS.XLS - an Excel 95 spreadsheet. This is a template to use with the sports betting system presented in this article: Sports Prognosticating or Betting: Best System (how it all started).
• BellCurveGenerator generates combinations within the bell (Gauss) curve, around the probability (FFG) median. The Fundamental Formula of Gambling calculates the median automatically. The application handles just about any game: pick-3, pick-4, lotto-5, lotto-6, lotto-7, Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions, horse racing, roulette, sports betting (including the famous European soccer pools and American sports teams).
• BetUS is an intelligent random combination generator for sports betting, the American way. The player selects a number of games to bet on. The player bets on either the favorite team to win by more than the point spread, or the underdog to lose by less than the point spread.
• AMBET is much like BETUS32 — but with a twist! You can add W or L at the end of a team name. Add W if the team was a winner in the previous game (week). Add L if the team lost the last game (week). For example:
These are the main pages dealing with winning sports betting systems strategies and software.
Resources in Theory of Probability, Mathematics, Statistics, Combinatorics
Lists the main pages and links to the best in theory of probability, combinatorics, statistics, mathematics. The very original formulas and theories are always backed by specific computer programs.
Resources in Sports Betting: Theory, Mathematics, Excel Spreadsheet
Lists the main pages and links to the best sports betting, software, systems, and strategies.
Read Ion Saliu's first book in print: Probability Theory, Live!
~ Founded on valuable mathematical discoveries with a wide range of scientific applications, including probability theory applied to sports betting, gambling, software, real winning systems.