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All filters in lottery software, lotto software are equal in power: Median

All filters in lottery software, lotto software have medians.

Posted by Ion Saliu on June 17, 2000.

In Reply to: Indicators of Sensitive Lotto Filters posted by Gurdial on June 15, 2000.

: Ion,

: I have been using wheel-6 (32bit version) for quite some time now, generating the winning reports after almost every draw. In your experience, are there some filters that would be more sensitive than others eg. would 3-1 be more sensitve than 3-2, 3-3 etc.? By sensitive I mean that by playing that lottery filter, it would/may generate some form of winning lotto combination as compared to others.

There is no bias towards any of the filters. All filters share the same property: the MEDIAN. If a filter is set to a value equal to its median, it will slash the total of possible combinations in half. There are fluctuations in the medians because of the changing composition of the data files. Normally, in the SIM-6 regions of D6 the combinations are less biased. That is, they do not have as many common 2-, 3-, 4- or 5-number lotto groups as the drawings in the region of DATA-6 (the real drawings file). The fluctuations are nevertheless consistent with theory of probability.

One more thing on the FOUR lotto software filter. If you analyze, say, 2000 drawings and the W6 report shows values for FOUR close to 2000 (such as 1997, 1990, etc) it does NOT mean that the maximum for FOUR is 1990. Actually, it signifies that FOUR was higher than ‘total combinations analyzed’. If you analyze 4000 lotto drawings you could see FOUR close to 4000 sometimes. In fact, the FOUR filter can reach very high values sometimes. In general, you avoid using the FOUR filter. If you want to use it, look for values under 100. For example, FOUR in the 50s. You set minimum FOUR to 50 and MAX-FOUR to 60.

I think I gave a wrong explanation on how the MAX filters work for TWO, THREE, FOUR. If MIN-FOUR is set to 1, the program ELIMINATES combinations as follows. The 6 lotto numbers of a combination can be broken down into C(6 taken 4 at a time) = 15. The remaining 49 – 6 = 43 can be combined into C(43 taken 2 at a time) = 903 combinations. The MIN-FOUR = 1 eliminates 15 x 903 = 13545 combinations. If there are no repeating 4-number groups within the last 50 drawings, MIN-FOUR = 50 eliminates 677250 lotto combinations. In reverse, MAX-FOUR = 1 leaves 13545 combinations to be played. MAX-FOUR = 60 LEAVES TO PLAY 812700 combinations. This is the correct calculation for the maximum feature of the TWO, THREE, and FOUR filters. In the situation MIN-FOUR = 50 AND MAX-FOUR = 60, the program leaves 812700 minus 677250 = 135450 lotto combinations to play. Virtually in every case there are 4-number repeats from the lottery drawings 1 to 50 to the drawings 51 to 60. Therefore, the final result will be lower than 135450 lotto combos.

Best of luck!

Ion Saliu

All filters in lottery software, lotto software are equal in power: Median.

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