Ion Axiomaticus Saliu, founder of mathematical axiomaticism, randomness philosophy

Ion Saliu Axiomaticus, royalty name Parpaluck, is the consummate axiomatic man – Truth above all.  *

Axiomatic: An Essay on Axiomaticism, Undeniable Truthfulness as Highest Human Quality

By Ion Saliu, Founder of Mathematical Axiomaticism

Addressing people as Axiomatic One in English is a token of highest respect to a human being.

If you read several pages on this website, you noticed I sometimes address the reader as Axiomatic One. I consider the addressing as a token of utmost respect.

Axiomatic in English is derived from the Classical Greek Axiom — Truth. Modern languages borrowed the term primarily in mathematics. Axiom is a truth that needs no demonstration; it is a self-evident truth. In philosophy, logic, ethics, axiom has come to signify an undeniable truth.

This form of addressing is valid and possible in any language. To my best knowledge, the addressing was used first by university students in Bucharest, the capital city of Romania. The formulations are axiomaticule (masculine) and axiomatico (feminine) — the vocative case of the noun axiomatic / axiomatica.

I applied this form of addressing in several languages, in several public forums. The Internet makes it easy to translate axiomatic in any language. In a soccer newsgroup, for example, I address members from the Top 5 soccer championships as: Axiomáticas/Axiomáticos, Axiomatics, Axiomatischen, Assiomatice/Assiomatici, Axiomatiques. All reasonable people understand my intentions are totally respectful, albeit just a little funny. Few persons, however, do not like my axiomatic expression at all! I think it is a Freudian slip of tongue. Methinks such persons like to lie a lot. They take the axiomatic reference as sarcastic. But I still use the term in such cases as mental enforcement. Repetition works quite efficiently at the subconscious level.

In fact, sarcasm gave birth to the axiomatic concept. It was during the Communist era when we addressed one another axiomaticule. It was ironic, because Communism was founded on lie/lying. Worse, Truth could have been really dangerous. One could have not said "Communism had dark spots" without severe consequences sometimes. But, in time, maybe the "mental enforcing" process did work. Communism collapsed!

I honestly urge everybody to address another person as "axiomatic one" in his/her language. It may bring about some good. I also think the expression can ease tension in disputes. Nobody is perfectly right, absolutely all the time.

We have beliefs; we believe them to be unquestionable truths. It is OK, for as long as we sincerely believe they are truths. However, things turn despicable when we fabricate so-called truths. Just recently and famously, Trump and millions of Trumpists still believe that Donald “Caligula” Trump won the 2020 U.S. Presidential election — but the White House was stolen from him! Or, earlier, in the year of grace 2016, when Hillary “Big Laugh” Clinton and many far-left Democrats believed Russia interfered in the U.S. elections and made Trump the 45th President!

There is axiomaticism and there is anti axiomaticism!

“The truth is above anybody and anything.”

“A trustworthy man is an axiomatic man; an axiomatic man is a good man. Be axiomatic, Homo Sapiens!” – Ion Saliu Axiomaticus, 3:14, 6:18


Axiomaticism is a great philosophical concept.

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Axiomaticism means Truth is above anything and anybody.

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Tell yourself as reinforcement that you are axiomatic.