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Brain Waves, Mind, Communication, Body Language, Behavior

By Ion Saliu, Mindfully At-Large

Brain waves, mind, communication, body language, behavior, science, philosophy.

Axiomatic one, I looked at older materials I wrote (prior to this May 12, 2003). They seem like entries to my diary. Then I opened the diary over the Internet to everybody willing to read it. The CompuPsychology page is representative of this tendency. I read the page again. The main topic was the section where I discussed the possibility of brain waves and mind communication. One extraordinary message made me read the material on brain waves again. A visitor from Australia sent me this email message.

I've had an interest in brain waves for quite some time. There are no tools to date to detect brain currents or waves outside the brain. I am trying to hint that the human brains might be able to communicate with one another via electromagnetic signals! Something similar to radio signals. Again, there are no instruments to measure, not even to detect such signals. Only life experiences push me in the direction of reality of the brain-wave phenomenon.

As I informed you, I do practice meditation very often. I also get frequently in alpha and theta states of mind (brain waves with specific frequencies, lower than the daily, dominant state of beta). I use sometimes audio-video brainwave machines. They are a lot more powerful than regular meditation.

Meanwhile, I do not receive real, let's say strong brain messages. My reactions towards others tend to remain constant. Maybe the "transmitters" are not strong enough for my "receiver". Indeed, a few females blamed me for "you didn't get it, stupid!" Also worth noting, this phenomenon does not take place between distant persons and me. Sometimes, the signals from my brains generate very positive reactions. It usually happened with some of nearby females, even before exchanging any words.

I know this theory sounds strange. I never considered myself a "lady killer" — and I never wanted to be. Why the attraction then? Due to my mental practices, I probably created zones in my brain, capable of emitting stronger electromagnetic currents. Perhaps other brains are capable of detecting these stronger currents and react to the messages they detect. These reactions are triggered only in persons in the close group I am with.

Full disclosure. In my mental practices, I use also very pleasant memories. Some are of a sexual nature. The brainwave zones, or strong mental programs, emit electromagnetic waves. Some women receive the waves at the subconscious level. They "view" my meditative scenes as in adult TV programs. As if I induce them to do the same in real-life — with me! On the other hand, the male counterparts get negative, even hostile reactions. A subconscious mix of jealousy and a complex of inferiority, perhaps.

I did receive responses, some from professionals in psychology. A Belgian psychologist has had first-hand experience in human behavior. He informed me that he has done extensive lab researching in human behavior. He doesn't believe brainwave communication is founded. It is body language. He believes that the mysterious form of communication between humans is body language. Body language is transmitted and interpreted mostly at the subconscious level. However, I know I've never allowed my body to send sexual signals to any woman. It is rooted in my deepest character. And I never wanted to get caught in situations that could be interpreted as sexual harassment!

I can't comprehend how brainwaves or body language would work over the Internet. I have attracted so much more hatred over the Internet than in any other place! I received incredibly hateful messages as soon as I published the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG). One person, who strongly reacted to FFG in newsgroups, came back and begged me twice to remove it from my Web site! There is another hateful act on the Internet with a morbid reaction when FFG is mentioned. Somebody said, that person was the first man killed by a formula! The body language is excluded, since we all are “invisible” on the Internet.

Axiomatic, I conclude with real-life experiences.

"Three things cannot hide for long: the Moon, the Sun and the Truth."
"What you think, you become.
What you feel, you attract.
What you imagine, you create."
– Buddha

The essay on brain waves, mind, communication, body language, behavior. Ion Saliu's Probability Book has valuable  philosophical implications. Read Ion Saliu's first book in print: Probability Theory, Live!
Discover profound philosophical implications of the Formula of TheEverything, including brain waves, mind, communication, body language, behavior.

Are humans communicating secretly via brain waves or body language?

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Ion Saliu raises questions on brain waves, mind, behavior.