On Dreaming, Fishing, Success, Money — Clear Dreams, Not Lucid Dreams
By Ion Saliu, Clear Dreamer At-Large
Written on May 5, 2002 (2 WE).
• What a beautiful clear dream I had this morning. I wrote a little about clear dreaming on the psychology page. I needed that dream for a change. I had a few bad dreams lately. In one, I was shot at and I had to fly high, then land, then fly high again… In another oneiric experience, I was a witness to medieval executions. Royalties were beheaded with shiny wires! (Incidentally, I am operating now a machine with big knives!)
- I was dreaming of a clear-water lake in front of my house. The environment was completely ruled by nature. The water was very clear and allowed the bottom of the lake to be seen. Big rocks, and fishes, and clams, and snails were easily visible. The lake was divided into irregularly shaped compartments by fallen trees.
- I knew I didn't know how to swim, but I floated easily and moved from one compartment to another. The breeze helped me. One person showed up and wanted to fish using…explosives! No explosion took place during the dream. Two more individuals showed up. They said it was a reunion of two high school mates. They really knew how to fish and catch clams. They were preparing a gourmet feast.
- I was surprised I had never thought of fishing in that lake! I told the two schoolmates that I had discovered the place two years after I moved to my little house. The house, however, was standing right on the shore! I said I visited the lake only for the purpose of meditation. We are like computers, I said. A computer is on all the time during the week. We unplug the computer over the weekend. The computer regenerates, I remember saying.
- The two guys said they actually came to the lake to catch gourmet fish, and clams, and snails. They drove a Porsche for two days to get there. I asked if they were from Philadelphia. They said they were from… Brad! That's a town in Transylvania, with gold mines. One of the two said he had the reservation card number 21. He showed me also the title card of his Porsche. Also, he showed me the reservation card. The color of the card was golden, had number 21 on it and some handwritten words. How did you get to know of this place, I asked...
I could not get an answer. The sirens of the nearby firefighting station woke me up. I was lying in bed, thinking of an answer to my question. The clock showed 5:50 AM, Sunday, May 5, 2002 (2 WE).
My dream is full of meaningful symbols. It is the most relaxing dream I can remember. The symbols are meaningful to me only. My first reaction was to make ALL my software freeware! Shortly, however, I severed the thought. It would have been utterly unfair to those who paid for my software. Also, I would have been an easy victim of manipulation. Some want more freeware from me. Others want to buy my software now, not when it was available! Besides, “the public lake” is large enough and is populated with “fish, and clams, and gourmet snails”! No need to use dynamite for fishing…
There are so many symbols I'll have to interpret. There was a quick thought that jumped at me. I remembered the saying "If the mountain doesn't come to Mohammed, Mohamed will go to the mountain." One should go to success, even if it's a two-day drive, or run, or walk, or fly...
For Life is about the joy of Success, and Success is for the joy of Life.
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- Ion Saliu's Book of Records.
- Computational Psychology, Philosophy: Fear-Survival, Human Life.
- Essential Resources In Philosophy - The Main Philosophical Hub.
- Almighty Number, Randomness, Universe, God, Order, History, Repetition.
- Mathematics of Fundamental Formula of Gambling.
• The mathematical proof of the inexistence of God or the absurdity of the God concept.
- There are no perfect shapes or forms on Earth or in the Universe to justify a super intelligent, divine force in the Universe; only humans create perfect shapes in an attempt to have some control over randomness.
- Zeno's Paradox: Achilles Can't Outrun the Tortoise?
~ The first philosophical, logical, and mathematical solutions to the aporiae (paradoxes) of Zeno of Elea.
- Truth, Beliefs, Religion, Science, Philosophy, Mental Programming, Brain Washing.
- Intelligent Design, Theory of Evolution, Creationism, Survival.
- Brain waves, mind, communication, body language, behavior.
- Dream Interpretation: Dreaming in Lisboa, On The East Coast.
- Brain, seizures, beliefs, religious behavior.
- Download Scientific, Mathematical, Philosophical Software.
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