History abounds with wisdom ... AND cruelty...
By Ion Saliu, Historically At-Large
Homo sapiens is a very special species: wisdom is one special quality. Humans descend from beasts, animals: cruelty is another trait. Humans are not divine - there is no divinity! Ion Axiomatic One didn't know at first who said: "To thine own self be true". So much wisdom in just a few words! It decidedly sounded Shakespeare in form and Socrates in essence.
Posted by Ion Saliu on June 21, 2001.
In Reply to: Humans, wisdom, Shakespeare: 'To thine own self be true' posted by Ion Saliu on June 21, 2001.
: : To thine own self be true, for it must follow as dost the night the day, that canst not then be false to any man.
: • Absolutely great!
: I don’t know who the author is. Sounds like Shakespeare, but it could also be Tladouqué, or someone else.
: Humans have created so much Wisdom! Yet, the species will still be extinct after who knows how long. That’s nothing compared to the extinction of the solar system. And that, in turn, is Nothing, compared to the Big Crunch of the Universe!
• I left out a very important element. There is an abundance of wisdom in human history. But there is an equally unparalleled amount of cruelty in human history.
Ion Saliu
It's Shakespeare inspired by Socrates. (Know thyself.)
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- Mathematics of the Fundamental Formula of Gambling.
• The mathematical proof of the inexistence of God or the absurdity of the God concept.
- There are NO perfect geometric shapes, forms on Earth, in Universe to justify a super intelligent, divine force in Cosmos; only humans create perfect or geometrical shapes in an attempt to have some control over randomness.
- Zeno's Paradox: Achilles, Tortoise
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