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LIE Strategy, Reversed Lottery Strategy for Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Odd Even, Low High, Skips

By Ion Saliu, Founder of Lotto Mathematics

Read an introduction to lotto strategies in reverse based on lotto decades, last digits.

I. Introduction to LIE Elimination, Reversed Lottery Strategy for Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Odd Even, Low High, Skips
II. Software for Lottery Strategy in Reverse Based on Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Odd Even, Low High, Skips
III. Reports for Lottery Strategy in Reverse Based on Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Odd Even, Low High, Skips
IV. Generate Combinations for LIE Elimination Strategy on Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Odd Even, Low High, Skips
V. Strategies for LIE Elimination on Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Odd Even, Low High, Skips
VI. Real-Life LIE Elimination Lotto Strategy with Jackpot Wins
VII. Resources in Lottery Lotto Software, Strategies, Systems

Access the best resources in lottery, lotto strategies, algorithms, software, programs.

1. Introduction to LIE Elimination, Reversed Lottery Strategy for Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Odd Even, Low High, Skips

First captured by the WayBack Machine ( on August 6, 2015.

Axiomatic one, the reversed lottery strategy also known as LIE elimination was first presented on this Web page: Lotto, Lottery Strategy in Reverse: Not-to-Win Leads to Not-to-Lose or WIN. The idea crossed my mind in the 1990s. There are several versions of the Reversed Lottery Strategy, one of the latest being presented here: Dedicated LIE Elimination: Lottery, Lotto Strategy in Reverse for Pairs, Number Frequency.

Dedicated LIE Elimination, however, generates combinations to be played directly, without feeding them to the LIE feature in the Bright generators. Meanwhile, the reversed strategy presented in this very e-book is a purely reversed system: The combinations generated must be fed to the Bright output generators.

In discussions in my former forums, users of my software and I noticed important facts regarding the repeat of static filters. The skips, decades, last digits, and the 3-group frequencies are good candidates for the LIE option (reversed lottery strategy). Look at the reports created by SkipDecaFreq*. You will notice that the strings in a particular lottery drawing are no repeats from several previous draws. Well, then, generate lotto combinations using skips, decades, last digits, and the 3-group frequencies as filters. You know it is very rare for the output file to register 5, even 4, winning lotto numbers in the very next drawing. The same is true about the odd even O E, and low high L H lotto numbers. Only the skips are dynamic filters and they certainly behave very differently from the static ones.

Users of my software applied the LIE strategy manually for years and years and years. However, they didn't know what levels the filters reached. They counted manually how many drawings the same strings elapsed between hits. They didn't see a repeat of this decade string in the last 20-30 lottery drawings: 1 0 4 0 1. So, they would generate combinations for, say, the last 20 decade strings (groups of decades) — one string at a time. The user would concatenate all outputs to one LIE file and feed it to the LIE feature in the Bright combination generators.

The process was obviously tedious and not very accurate. Thusly, I wrote specialized software in the year of grace 2014. The software has the LieStrings radix in the program name. The software generates first the very necessary reports to aid the user in selecting filter values. The software generates combinations in one batch: The output files are concatenated in the background and also purged of duplicates. The resulting LIE files are fed to the LIE feature in the Bright combination generators. Despite my serious efforts, I wasn't able to create the same type of software as for the Dedicated LIE Elimination: Lottery, Lotto Strategy in Reverse for Pairs, Number Frequency.

This is the best lottery software to generate lotto strategies to NOT-NOT-WIN.

2. Software for Lottery Strategy in Reverse Based on Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Odd Even, Low High, Skips

  • The ultimate lotto, lottery, horse racing software for applying Reversed Lottery Strategy for Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Odd Even, Low High, Skips:

    The ultimate lottery software has reverse strategy specialized programs, lotto applications.

    The parameters in this type of software for reversed lottery strategy have unique behavior. Yet, I put them together in the same program instead of writing separate programs for decades, separate programs for last digits, etc. There is, however, a common function for strategy checking (all reports in one batch) and a common function for sorting the reports by column. The combinations are generated by separate modules as presented in the software menus.

  • The following screenshot is the main menu of all programs in this type of lottery strategies in reverse —

    The Lie reversed lottery strategy software is very well organized in 4 menus.

    3. Reports for Lottery Strategy in Reverse Based on Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Odd Even, Low High, Skips

  • The function R = Generate String Reports (REP) is mandatory to run first as it creates auxiliary files. If not, the software triggers an error when trying to generate combinations.

    The software generates first comprehensive reports to aim at lotto jackpots.

    The software in this category generates 6 reports, for each type of filter.

    The reports are dependent on ranges of lottery history or past lottery drawings.

    Report for the skips regardless of position (a.k.a. ANY in the software); filename LieAny5.REP

    1 0 1 3 6
    23 3 3 10 6
    0 3 0 6 7
    5 7 16 4 2

    The figures in line #1 translated: lotto #1 in the lotto-5 draw skipped 1 drawing; lotto #2 in the draw skipped 0 drawings (i.e. hit in 2 consecutive drawings); lotto #3 in the draw skipped 1 drawing; lotto #4 in the draw skipped 3 lottery drawings; lotto #5 in the draw skipped 6 drawings (i.e. hit in draw #8: 8 – 1 – 1 = 6).

    Report for the skips position by position (a.k.a. POS in the software); filename LiePos5.REP

    1 24 94 3 23
    54 3 3 18 6
    38 3 22 22 7
    21 7 64 145 2

    The figures in line #1 interpreted: lotto #1 in the lotto-5 draw skipped 1 drawing; lotto #2 in the draw skipped 24 drawings (i.e. hit in draw #26: 26 – 1 – 1 = 24); lotto #3 in the draw skipped 94 drawings; lotto #4 in the draw skipped 3 lottery drawings; lotto #5 in the draw skipped 23 drawings.

    Report for the high, low numbers (a.k.a. HiLo in the software); filename LieHiLo5.REP

    1 1 1 2 2
    1 2 2 2 2
    1 1 1 2 2
    1 1 1 1 2

    Translation of the figures in line #1: lotto #1 in the lotto-5 draw was low; lotto #2 in the draw was low; lotto #3 in the draw was low; lotto #4 in the draw was high; lotto #5 in the draw was high.

    Lottery application generates 6 reports: decades, last digits, skips, odd even low high numbers.

    Report for the odd, even numbers (a.k.a. OdEv in the software); filename LieOdEv5.REP

    2 1 2 1 2
    1 2 1 2 1
    2 2 1 2 1
    1 2 1 1 1

    Interpretation of the figures in line #1: lotto #1 in the lotto-5 draw was even; lotto #2 in the draw was odd; lotto #3 in the draw was even; lotto #4 in the draw was odd; lotto #5 in the draw was even.

    Report for the decades; filename LieDecade5.REP

    2 2 2 4 4
    2 3 3 4 5
    2 2 3 3 5
    1 2 2 3 4

    Translation of the figures in line #1: lotto #1 in the draw was from decade #2 (10 – 19); lotto #2 in the draw was from decade #2 (10 – 19); lotto #3 in the draw was from decade #2 (10 – 19); lotto #4 in the draw was from decade #4 (30 – 39); lotto #5 in the draw was from decade #4 (30 – 39).

    Report for the last digits; filename LieLastDigit5.REP

    2 3 4 1 2
    3 2 3 8 1
    2 4 1 4 3
    9 2 9 1 7

    Interpretation of the figures in line #1: lotto #1 in the draw had 2 as last digit; lotto #2 in the draw had 3 as last digit; lotto #3 in the draw had 4 as last digit; lotto #4 in the draw had 1 as last digit; lotto #5 in the draw had 2 as last digit.

  • The 6 reports above are strictly necessary for generating combinations and also verifying the viability of various strategies.

  • This software generates also another type of reports. They have the WS extension and they serve the same purpose as the WS reports in Bright packages: Select filter values (create strategies). The WS reporting will be analyzed in section #5 of this ebook: Strategies.

    4. Generate Combinations for LIE Elimination Strategy on Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Odd Even, Low High, Skips

  • The function G = Generate Combinations needs the files created automatically by Reporting. Instead of typing, the filters are fed automatically from the string file created by the corresponding Report function.

    The lottery combinations generated by the strategy are fed to LIE in lexicographical software.

    You select, however, how many filter lines (strings) to use inspired by the WS reports you studied. For example, you use one line from the odd even report file LieOdEv5.REP: 2 1 2 1 2. The software generates correctly the 5/43 lotto combosnations: 33649. (I decided to use the term combosnations for lottery combinations that should not be played, that should be eliminated beforehand.) It is very rare for such a decade string of filter values to repeat in the very next drawing. Thus, for a vast majority of cases those 33649 combosnations are wasteful (oops... tautology!)

    There are situations when the ID5, even the ID4, filters reach very high values in the WS reports. It is therefore recommended to run the R = Report function for thousands of combinations – at least in the first run. Then, sort the reports by column (function T = SorT WS Reports by Column) to see the highest filter values at the top. You'll get an adequate picture of what to expect in subsequent report runs.

        * WS LIE Report for DECADES *
        * Analyzed: 1000 of 2000 lines
     Line    Decades   Decades   Decades
      no.      ID3       ID4       ID5  
      209       0         33      1791
      428       9        473      1572
      497       3         23      1503
      281       1        106      1479
      592      27         74      1408
        * WS LIE Report for LAST DIGITS *
        * Analyzed: 2500 of 5000 lines
     Line    LastDig   LastDig   LastDig
      no.      ID3       ID4       ID5  
        1      29        925      4999
        2      43        183      4998
        4     243       4996      4996
        6      30       1886      4994
        7      11        666      4993
      958     105       3383       191
      889      28        161       187
     1176     100       3824       161
      851      69       2074       155
      439      61       2033       147
     1114     137       1822       141
      332      35       3253       141
     2042      21        264       134
     2123       7        317       126
       40      69       3339       117
     1634     156        484        44

    You notice that the exact last digit strings of filter levels do NOT repeat even in 5000 drawings! Only in 11 drawings out of 2500, LastDig ID5 repeated after fewer than 200 draws. The last digits offer the most sure-fire reversed lotto strategy. The players waste serious money by playing lottery combosnations!

    This is your thinking when the generating modules present you with the prompt How many LINES to use.

    The reversed strategy combinations are safe to be eliminated for many past lottery drawings.

        * WS LIE Report for ANY_MIN *
        * File: LieAny5.REP
        * Analyzed: 2500 of 5000 lines
     Line    Any_Min   Any_Min   Any_Min
      no.      ID3       ID4       ID5  
        1       1          2         0
        2       3          8       674
        3       0          2         4
        4       0          3        50
        5       0          9         2

    ID3 < ID4 < ID5

        * WS LIE Report for DECADES *
        * File: LieDecade5.REP
     Line    Decades   Decades   Decades
      no.      ID3       ID4       ID5  
        1       2         55        21
        2       0          6         2
        3       1         77        72
        4       5          2        32
        5       0          3        99
        6       0         22        18
        7       3          2        18

    5. Strategies forLIE Elimination on Lotto Decades, Last Digits, Odd Even, Low High, Skips

    The LieStrings software applications generate a second type of reports necessary to select filter values (construct strategies). Function: S = String Files Skips (WS Reports). This function needs the 6 reports (REP files) created by the R = Generate String Reports fixture. The WS reporting will generate 8 reports, as the ANY and POS (skips) have separate reports for the minimum and maximum levels.

    Markov chains, followers, pairings apply also to pick-3, pick 4 daily lottery games.

    Report for the skips regardless of position ~ minimum; filename LieAny5-Min.WS

        * WS LIE Report for ANY_MIN *
        * File: LieAny5.REP
        * Analyzed: 2500 of 5000 lines
     Line    Any_Min   Any_Min   Any_Min
      no.      ID3       ID4       ID5  
        1       1          2         0
        2       3          8       674
        3       0          2         4
        4       0          3        50
        5       0          9         2
        6       1        120      4994

    Report for the skips regardless of position ~ maximum; filename LieAny5-MAX.WS

        * WS LIE Report for ANY_MAX *
        * File: LieAny5.REP
        * Analyzed: 2500 of 5000 lines
     Line    Any_Max   Any_Max   Any_Max
      no.      ID3       ID4       ID5  
        1      10       1196      4999
        2       0          2        19
        3      18       4997      4997
        4       5          8       153
        5       4          7      1289

    Report for the skips position by position ~ minimum; filename LiePos5-Min.WS

        * WS LIE Report for POS_MIN *
        * File: LiePos5.REP
        * Analyzed: 2500 of 5000 lines
     Line    Pos_Min   Pos_Min   Pos_Min
      no.      ID3       ID4       ID5  
        1       3          4         6
        2       1          0         3
        3       0          2       147
        4       0         38       587
        5      10          0       121
        6       1        135      4994

    Report for the skips position by position ~ maximum; filename LiePos5-MAX.WS

        * WS LIE Report for POS_MAX *
        * File: LiePos5.REP
        * Analyzed: 2500 of 5000 lines
     Line    Pos_Max   Pos_Max   Pos_Max
      no.      ID3       ID4       ID5  
        1       0         46       560
        2      19         11       284
        3       1         10       235
        4       2          5        78
        5       1          7         8
        6      10          2         0
        7       4         85      1407

    The reversed lottery strategy works with static and dynamic filters, restrictions to reduce combinations to play.

    Report for the high, low; filename LieHiLo5.WS

        * WS LIE Report for HIGH / LOW *
        * File: LieHiLo5.REP
        * Analyzed: 2500 of 5000 lines
     Line     L / H     L / H     L / H
      no.      ID3       ID4       ID5  
        1       0          2         1
        2       0          4         2
        3       1          0         4
        4       2          3         7
        5       2          1         0
        6       1          0        20

    Report for the odd, even; filename LieOdEv5.WS

        * WS LIE Report for ODD / EVEN *
        * File: LieOdEv5.REP
        * Analyzed: 2500 of 5000 lines
     Line     O / E     O / E     O / E
      no.      ID3       ID4       ID5  
        1       5          3        56
        2       3          0        75
        3       0         14        80
        4       2          1        12
        5       0         14        25

    Report for the decades; filename LieDecade5.WS

        * WS LIE Report for DECADES *
        * File: LieDecade5.REP
        * Analyzed: 2500 of 5000 lines
     Line    Decades   Decades   Decades
      no.      ID3       ID4       ID5  
        1       2         55        21
        2       0          6         2
        3       1         77        72
        4       5          2        32
        5       0          3        99

    Report for the last digits; filename LieLastDigit5.WS

        * WS LIE Report for LAST DIGITS *
        * File: LieLastDigit5.REP
        * Analyzed: 2500 of 5000 lines
     Line    LastDig   LastDig   LastDig
      no.      ID3       ID4       ID5  
        1      29        925      4999
        2      43        183      4998
        3      74         14       354
        4     243       4996      4996
        5     196       1545      4208
        6      30       1886      4994

    As you learnt in Chapter 3, the software has a very useful function to aid the user in finding strategies: T = SorT Filter Reports by Column. The module will sort the 8 WS reports by any column. The columns are sorted in descending order, so that the highest filter values come up at the top.

    The main goal is to find high levels for the respective filter(s). The higher the value of a filter, the more combinations eliminated. All lottery strategies usually start with one filter (column) I name the pivot filter. We then look for other high values in the columns of the same report. Do NOT use the ANY or POS parameters as pivot filters you saw the reason.

    We want to see how often a strategy with those parameters hit in the past. We want to see what other reliable filter values we can employ additionally. There is another valuable function that does exactly that: C = Strategy Checking of WS Files. The useful strategy program compiles a report like this one (only a fragment here):

    The reversed lotto strategy can be checked against past lottery drawings.

    We can see high filter values in other columns, especially the last digit report LieLastDigit5.WS. Furthermore, we can correlate this strategy with other types of strategies in those great pieces of software known as Bright and Ultimate Lottery Software. The functionality is presented in-depth on this e-book: Cross-Reference Lottery Strategy Files Created by Command Prompt Software and MDIEditor Lotto WE. The function is available from the second menu of the Ultimate Lottery Software integrated software: T = Cross-Checking Strategies.

    6. Real-Life LIE Elimination Lotto Strategy with Jackpot Wins

    In the spring of 2014, my website experienced a difficult legal challenge. My entire site was taken down as a result of bogus complaints on the grounds of copyright infringements. Threatening emails sent to me unwarrantedly were considered copyrighted materials as if published Web pages or books! There are plenty of details starting in the Forums link in the footer. This type of lottery software was under development during that harsh time. My lottery forums closed for good because of that incident of law abuse. Before the shutdown, however, I had come up with a quick lotto strategy and posted it my forum.

    I worked first with ID3 for the Skips_ANY_Min filters. I chose a conservative value: ID3 = 3; it occurs quite frequently. The program generated an output LIE file of some 50000+ combosnations. I fed that LIE file (created by the ID3 = 3 filter) to Lexico5 with no other filters enabled. The final output had 61982 lines (amount to play).

    I checked for winners in Super Utilities for the top 12 lottery drawings (excluded from the LIE processing). There were plenty of winners — as much as making a profit! Evidently, random play was badly beaten; also, the house edge was badly beaten. Here is the fragment that matters.

    The reversed lotto strategy consistently leads to winners for a profit in any lottery game.

    I went to the Pennsylvania Lottery Web site to check past jackpot amounts for the 5/43 lotto game.

    01/22/14 Winning Numbers: 05 11 15 39 40

    0 players matched 5, jackpot rolls to $325,000.00
    47 players matched 4, each receiving $302.50
    1,899 players matched 3, each receiving $12.50
    25,577 players matched 2, each receiving $1.00

    01/21/14 Winning Numbers: 06 11 12 15 31

    0 players matched 5, jackpot rolls to $225,000.00
    48 players matched 4, each receiving $225.00
    2,137 players matched 3, each receiving $8.50
    23,474 players matched 2, each receiving $1.00

    01/20/14 Winning Numbers: 09 19 24 30 42

    1 players matched 5, each receiving $1,000,000.00
    163 players matched 4, each receiving $273.00
    6,618 players matched 3, each receiving $11.00
    80,034 players matched 2, each receiving $1.00

    Jackpot average: (325,000 + 225,000 + 1,000,000) / 3 = 516,667
    '4 of 5' average: (302.50 + 225.00 + 273) / 3 = 267
    '3 of 5' average: (12.50 + 8.50 + 11.00) / 3 = 10.67

    I disregarded the 2 of 5 "fixed" prize of $1... although it totaled over $100,000!

    Total cost: 61982 * 12 = 743,784
    Total in prizes: ( 3 * 516,667) + (445 * 267) + (11,728 * 10.67) = 1,838,457
    Net profit: over 1 million

    I had only expected 1 jackpot hit — the other two 5 of 5 hits were extras. I don't know exactly how that happens, except that ID3 were also 3+ in those two instances. I checked also for other ID3s and one ID4 (Low/High & Odd/Even). The same thing occurs. There are multiple hits in the ranges that act as “future” lottery drawings. A better method would be combination-generating in the traditional manner of Bright software; then purge the outcome by enabling LIE files.

    7. Resources in Lottery Lotto Software, Strategies, Systems

    The first real lotto software to apply reversed lottery strategies for winning the jackpot.

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