Horse Racing Bet Software, Trifectas, Exactas, To-Win, Wager.

BRIGHTh3: High-Powered Trifecta Software for Horse Race Betting

By Ion Saliu, Founder of Equestrian Programming Science

The Best horse racing software to generate trifectas, triactors.

We present now the four menus and their applications and functions.

The best horse racing software has powerful programs to generate winning trifectas.

This menu comprises the most important programs and functions of the BrightH3 software package.
1) The software user will always start with creating (once) and then updating (in every run) the data files.
2) The most logical next step is the creation of the winning reports.
3) Next, analyze the winning reports and determine the level of some filters — the process of strategy selection.
4) The end-result should always be the process of generating horseracing trifectas (or triactors, as known in Canada).

* Option 'E = Edit Data Files (Edit Files with MDIEditor And Lotto WE for 64-bit Windows)'
* Option 'M = Edit Data Files (Edit Files with MDIEditor And Lotto WE for 32-bit Windows)'

It opens an empty window of MDIEditor to type in or paste in the horse racing results (races, draws, past winning numbers, etc.). The file is always saved in text (ASCII) format.
It is recommended to name your horseracing file DATA-h3, since it is the default in many cases. DATA-h3 must have exactly 3 horse numbers per line. The numbers must be separated by one or more blank spaces. You can also use commas , as the field separator. The universal field separator should be the blank space.

An example of the contents of DATA-h3 for 10 horses:

5  6 10 (race #1, or the most recent)
6  4  3 (2nd most recent race)
3 10  4
2  3  4
8  6  3
1  7  4

The first menu item (E) opens my MDIEditor in 64-bit Windows (in "C:\Program Files (x86)\MDIEditorLottoWE\MDIEditWE"). The other item (M) takes care of the 32-bit Windows: "C:\Program Files\MDIEditorLottoWE\MDIEditWE". You might want to check your installation of MDIEditor And Lotto WE. Reinstall, if necessary, to match one of the above program locations.

Program name: Any text editor can be used for this task.

For more info, read:

Please read also a very basic tutorial (part of this horseracing software package):
BrightH3.TUT (more info on horseracing data files, including the very important operation named concatenation).

The concatenation is done in Super Utilities (option Make/Break/Position, then Make, then option 1 or 2: Make DH3 from DATA-H3 and SIM-H3).
This version of BrightH3 requires a DH3 data file of at least 130000 (one hundred thirty-thousand) races (lines).

Here is the best procedure of creating the SIM-H3 and DH3 files to meet the size requirement of 130000 (one hundred thirty-thousand) horse racing straight sets (lines). Simply run Super Utilities (SoftwareHorses3), option S = Files (SIM-H3, count lines). Generate 130000 straight trifectas. You'll have a SIM-H3 file in seconds.

See also the info for Menu #2, option B = Concatenate files.

* Option 'W = Winning Reports (WH Files)'
Create the winning (WH & MH) reports. Press F5 (or W in BH) to generate the reports. There is only one option for horseracing:

S = SUPER reporting (WH3.x and MH3.x): a Dh3 file against itself (like in the lotto software Bright5, 6).

Type 200 (or more) for the length of each report. Type DH3 for the name of the data file, and the default for total races to use. Type WH3.1 to WH3.6 and MH3.1 to MH3.6 for the report names in the S option.

The 6 + 6 WH/MH report files will show a number of parameters or FILTERS. Based on the reports, you feed the straight set generating program (L or R) with the filters. The process of setting filter values is known as STRATEGY SELECTION.

Program name: ReportH3.

For more information, read:

* Option 'O = Sort Filter Reports by Column'
The program sorts the WH3, MH3, GRH3, DEH3, FRH3, SKH3 reports by column, helping the user see more easily the filters -- e.g. filters of wacky values. The sorting is done by type of winning reports. The program also offers the correct choices (correct names) for filters to sort.

Program name: SortFilterReportsH3.

For more information, read:

* Option 'C = Check Strategies (Filter Settings)'
The function analyzes the 6 + 6 WH/MH reports to establish any type of horseracing strategy, between MINIMUM and MAXIMUM values. The strategy report will show how many times a particular horseracing strategy hit in the past races. In other words, we check how a collection of filter settings would have fared in the past.
The program also creates the strategy files in the correct format (error-free); the strategy files are named STH3.000 and STH3.0 (defaults). You need to remember the ST file names! It's a very good idea to create a simple text file where you record various horseracing strategies: ST names and what the strategies are based on.

** Potential errors when checking for strategies.
#1: Do NOT use SIM files in lexicographical order. Always shuffle all your SIM files.
#2: Do NOT mix different race formats in your data files; that includes the file with your real races and your SIMulated files.
#3: Sometimes some filters can get way, way out of range. The value can be wider than what I planned as the maximum length for that particular filter. I wanted the reports to be as readable as possible.

If #3 happens, the strategy checking functions will trigger errors. You can fix the error by opening your winning reports one by one in the text editor. You will notice that two neighboring columns are no longer separated by at least one blank space.

The culprit is the number in the column which is no longer aligned with numbers above and below. You need delete one (very rarely more than one) character at the end of that lengthy number. Make sure that there is one blank space between the numbers in the two columns and that they are properly aligned in the respective columns. Here is a visual example:

1234    23
12345123 = strategy-checking error

Corrected W/MD file:
1234   23
1234 123

Repeat the procedure with all your trifecta winning reports, as necessary. **

Program name: StrategyH3.

For more info, read:

* Option 'H = Strategy Hits in the Past'
It generates straight trifectas for situations when a particular strategy (as in the STH3*.* files) hit in the past. The program needs an input file created by StrategyH3 (the previous function). The input file (STH3.HIT) consists of the race IDs for the hit situations. Otherwise, the user will manually input the filter settings and the race IDs (maximum attention required!)

Program name: StrategyHitH3.

For more info, read:

* Option 'L = Lexicographic Trifectas'
* Option 'R = Randomized Triactors'

This is the ultimate goal of LotWon horseracing software: Generate winning straight trifectas (triactors are the same). We keep records of past horseracing races (maintain data files), then analyze the data files and generate the winning reports. Then, we analyze the WH & MH reports and select filter values for our horseracing strategies. We finally apply the horseracing strategies to the straight set generators.

Each horseracing trifecta generating program has several functions of its own.

* Option 'P = Pairing Reports, Custom Grids, Straight Trifectas'
This program is NEW and replaces the GridCheck and GridRange programs in the Bright software for lotto and pick lottery.

The program plots the horseracing report of horse-number-pairings. It also builds a custom grid consisting of pairings chosen by the user. For example, the user can build a grid with pairing rank #8 and pairing rank #9 (instead of only #1 and #2 as in the 'wonder grid'). You will notice that pairs #6+#7, or #7+#8, or #8+#9 come out with good frequency. You want to play them after a number of skips.

The Custom Grid will generate trifectas to 2 output files similar to the output files in Make/Break/Position in Super Utilities.

I noticed in my horseracing real data file that pairing ranks #6 and #7 performed very well in generating hits for the very next race (drawing). Also, 2-way combinations of pair-ranks #1, #6, and #7 fared very well (from one race to the next).

The program also finds the pairings that have not come out within a range of races (function F, like the W reporting in the main menu). Then, function G generates trifectas for the missing pairings by setting the TWO filter.

Finally, the C function will check the 2 output files to see how they fared in the past (100 or 200, etc.) races.

This program can be useful also in conjunction with the LIE (REVERSED) strategy feature present in all trifecta generators. The pairings do not lead to winning straight sets the very next race (draw), far more often than not.

Program name: PairGridH3.

For more info, read:

* Option 'F = Wheels from Files'
This program takes an input file of straight trifectas and converts the straight sets to 'k of 3' lotto-like wheel format - from '1 of 3' to '3 of 3', both straight and boxed; also, a number of straight sets can be input in a random manner, without any wheeling.

The function is useful if you want to reduce the number of horseracing straight sets in an output file previously generated. For example, you generated hundreds of trifectas in CombineH3 with light filtering; you want to play only a handful of horseracing combinations that have no more than k numbers in common (horseracing wheeling); evidently, you settle for a lower-tier horseracing prize.

Program name: WheelInH3.

For more info, read:

* Option 'B = Birthday Paradox Strategies'
I had written an original essay touching a few issues of creating winning systems from the Birthday Paradox, or the probability of repetition. Such systems would apply to games of chance such as lotto, lottery, roulette ... and more. There are lottery players and gamblers who now realize how important the probability of repetition is.

Can such mathematical knowledge be applied to gambling, especially horseracing, in addition to lottery? I was skeptical when I first heard about it and asked about it. The difficulty of achieving thorough understanding of this phenomenon was caused by a parameter I call number of elements. Indeed, the roulette numbers repeat. You can see them all the time, if the casinos turn on the electronic displays known as the marquees. But is there a rule, a mathematical formula that enables us to calculate the repeat probability?

I thought more deeply on this repetition fact. For example, I look at a sequence of 8 roulette numbers as an eight-element string. The degree of certainty is better than 50% that such string should contain one repetition (duplication). One of the eight numbers should be a repeat with a 50-50 chance. The same is true about horseracing drawings. In this case, the element is the index of the combination (or set) drawn. Every horserace trifecta, for example, is defined by an index or lexicographical order, or lexicographic rank.

With this new knowledge in mind, I studied some real data: Lottery drawings and roulette spins. I was somehow surprised to discover that repetition occurs close to that cutoff point of the 50-50 chance! I should also point out that the strength of the analysis and system creation is stronger at the beginning of the game. For lottery and lotto, the beginning is clear: A game starts with the first drawing of a game format.

Program names: Collisions, BirthdayParadox.

For more info, read:

* Option 'S = Super Utilities'
This piece of software bundles a lot of utilities for 3-number horseracing games. Each function in turn has several features of its own.

Program name: SoftwareHorses3.

For more info, read:

Book #2 of horse-racing: GENERAL-PURPOSE lottery, HORSE-RACING, gambling software.

* Some of these functions represent standalone programs. Other functions belong to older programs, but the names of the functions were less obvious to some software users. For example, several users asked me how to generate horseracing trifectas from groups or pools of horse numbers. There are no programs with relevant names. But the functions are well represented in large programs that provide a plethora of functions! In this particular example, the trifectas generators from pools or groups of numbers belong to the utility software. The older version was Util-H32. The newer and more potent incarnation is SoftwareHorses3.

* Option 'N = 3-Number Trifectas from Pools of Numbers'
Generate horseracing trifectas from pools or groups of numbers.

Program name: SoftwareHorses3, option M: Make/Break/Position.

The groups of horse numbers can be listed in files, in one line or multiple lines. For example, SkipSystem created for you a pool of horse numbers. The file in text format consists of one line of 7 numbers. You want to generate straight trifectas from those 7 numbers. Total of straight trifectas of 7 numbers: 7 * 6 * 5 = 210. That amount is a maximum, as some combinations repeat. In SoftwareHorses3, you select option M: Make/Break/Position. Then, option Break, then option 2 = All 7 Numbers Equally. The function will generate your 210 straight trifectas (a.k.a. triactors) in a matter of seconds.

The same function can also generate trifectas from multiple lines of 3+ numbers each. For example, you had 10 lines, for each of your horse number (my favorite number of horses per race); each line has 6 other horse numbers, as the best pairs of each of the 10 numbers.

You can apply in this function a powerful filter: the Least feature. Actually, you will eliminate all pairings in a special file WORSTh3 created by the same SoftwareHorses3 (option F: Frequency). It is recommended now, in strong terms, to use WORSTh3 instead of LEASTh3. Of course, you can apply both files one at a time!

For more info, read:

* Option 'P = 3-Number Straight Trifectas by Positions'
Generate 3-number trifectas from 3 lines of numbers representing the 3 positions in a triactor.

Program name: SoftwareHorses3 (menu #1), option M: Make/Break/Position.

You can generate horse racing trifectas based on positions or positional ranges. If you run the statistical functions of my horseracing software (plenty of them!) you will see that the horse numbers are strongly biased regarding the position. You can read at SALIU.COM a lot about ranges or positional ranges in lottery. Just search. You will see living proof that the lotto numbers follow the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG). Each position has lotto numbers based on the FFG median.

Just look at the Powerball game format starting in January 2009. In 36 drawings, only 19 out of the 59 Powerball regular numbers have come out in the 1st position. The numbers 2 and 7 came out 5 times apiece; the Powerball regular numbers 1,3,5,6, 8 came out 3 times each. Meanwhile, numbers 24 to 59 have not hit yet. For the 5th position, only 18 numbers have hit, especially in the range 50 to 59. You can use the same option M: Make/Break/Position in SoftwareHorses3 software, but select Position/Ranges.

You can apply in this function a powerful filter: the Least feature. Actually, you will eliminate all pairings in a special file WORSTh3 created by the same SoftwareHorses3 (option F: Frequency). It is recommended now, in strong terms, to use WORSTh3 instead of LEASTh3.

For more info, read:

* Option 'F = 3-Number Straight Trifectas from 3 Frequency Groups'
Generate trifectas based on frequency: "hot" numbers, "mild" numbers, and "cold" numbers. Run first the Frequency Reporting module, and then the combination generator (lexicographic or random).

Program name: SkipDecaFreqH3, options: L = Trifectas, Lexicographic; R = Random Trifectas. Then, select the screen pertaining to the filters based on the 3 horseracing frequency groups.

For more info, read:

* Option 'D = 3-Number Combinations by Decades'
Generate horse race trifectas decade by decade. I consider that a 12-horse race has 3 "decades": 1-4, 5-8, 9-12. This feature was meant to match the decade feature in the lotto programs.

Program name: SkipDecaFreqH3, options: L = Trifectas, Lexicographically; R = Random Trifectas. Then, select the screen pertaining to the filters based on the horseracing decades.

For more info, read:

* Option 'U = Under/Over Strategies'
A special trifecta generator based on FFG median. Two FFG medians are considered (for 10 horses):
~ Under = the latest one: from lottery drawing #1 to #499;
~ Over = the next one: from draw 500 to end of file.
This is less potent gambling strategy; it works better at roulette and horseracing.

Program name: UnderOverH3.

For more info, read:

* Option 'C = Check Abbreviated Systems or Wheels'
The special horseracing wheeling software verifies the abbreviated systems (wheels) for missing trifectas; if missing, the software will plug-in the lines needed to complete the horse racing wheel. Also, the program generates original abbreviated systems.

Program name: WheelCheckH3.

For more info, read:

* Option 'R = Boxed & Random Trifectas'
~ The program generates TRIFECTA combinations either BOXED or RANDOM. Usual filters can be applied, although they behave differently for the 'boxed' generation. That's so because our results (real races) are always in 'straight' format.

By the way, the following is the best method of record-keeping. Record only results from races with 9 or more horses, but do NOT write numbers greater than 10! If the results have numbers greater than 10, discard the race. Play only in races with 9 or more horses, as the payouts are much more favorable to wagering (bigger payouts, especially for trifectas).

Program name: BoxRandomH3.

For more info, read:

* Option 'B = Concatenate Text Files, Make Big File'
This function takes a number of text (ASCII) files and concatenates them; i.e. it puts all the files into one. The function is useful when you need to combine multiple output trifecta files (OUTh) or LIE files and work with one files, instead of working with the files step by step (e.g. PURGING output trifecta files). Useful also in creating DH: DATA-H+SIM-H.

Program names: Internal function in BH.

Horseracing software #3 represents generators of triactors from groups or pools of horse numbers at horse tracks.

* The majority of the programs in this menu represent GENERAL-PURPOSE lottery and gambling software, applicable to horseracing as well.

* Option 'S = Sort Data Files'
Sort your lotto files in ASCENDING order (both horizontally and vertically, by multiple columns). This function is a great utility in conjunction with the data files. The numbers in every combination (line) in a lotto data file must be sorted in ascending order. The horseracing results files are not sorted in ascending order horizontally -- they are only nicely formatted.

This task can be also performed specifically for horseracing data files in Super Utilities (Main Menu), option T = Sort or Add-up Data Files.

Program name: Sorting.

* Option 'C = Check Winners'
Check for winning numbers in OUTPUT files against REAL results files (real races). The trifectas to play were saved first to output text files by the combination generators.

This task can be also performed specifically for horseracing data files in Super Utilities (Main Menu), option W = Check for Winners. It is the recommended method, as it is always up-to-the-date.

Program name: Winners.

* Option 'R = Shuffle or Randomize Elements'
Shuffle lottery combinations or trifecta files (text files); then go to the line equal to the probability median (FFG = 50%). The program can also shuffle numbers in a highly randomized manner. There is a plethora of randomization functions in this program! It is the most comprehensive random number generator ever – everything randomizing-wise in one potent program!

Program name: Shuffle.

For more info, read:

* Option 'M = Sum-up Lottery, Horseracing Data Files and Games'
The program calculates the number of horseracing trifectas that add-up to a sum-total. It also calculates the sums of each race in results files, plus root sum, and standard deviation. You can generate such horseracing trifectas and save them. The program creates summary reports for the game: Every sum-total and its amount of trifectas, plus percentages.

Program name: Sums.

For more info, read:

* Option 'K = Create Lotto, Lottery, and Gambling Systems'
This program creates lottery and gambling systems based on two or three consecutive skips; the most recent skips make it into the system. The last trend is the most powerful, as it has a mathematical foundation: The Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG). All randomly generated numbers tend strongly to repeat after a number of trials (skips) less than or equal to the FFG median.

Program name: SkipSystem.

For more info, read:

* Option 'F = Rank Lottery or Horse Numbers by Frequency'
This program generates frequency reports two ways: 1.- Regardless of position; 2.- Position by position. The horse numbers are ranked by frequency in descending order, from hot, to mild, to cold.

Program name: FrequencyRank.

For more info, read:

* Option 'V = Verify Data Files'
This program parses the horseracing data files to make sure they comply with the format required by LotWon lottery and gambling software, horse racing included.

Program name: Parsel.

For more info, read:

* Option 'D = Skips, Decades, Frequencies'
The program shows the horse racing races as strings of skips, high/low, odd/even, increase/decrease from previous race. The program also generates a horseracing-decade report and a report of frequencies from 3 groups: hot, mild, cold. You can use the skips, high/low, odd/even, decades, frequencies as filters in the trifectas generators or the purge function. The horse-racing software can check if or when a strategy hit in the past. The 'Strategy Hits' function reports how many straight sets a particular horseracing strategy would have generated in winning situations.

Program name: SkipDecaFreqH3.

For more info, read:

* Option 'T = Cross-Checking Lottery Strategies'
The program writes to disk the lines of specified indexes in a file, usually a strategy file created by STRATEGY* horse software. You created the W*.* files in the Command Prompt LotWon software. You also generated the statistical reports in 'MDIEditor And Lotto WE'. You then created the strategy file for the stats in 'MDIEditor And Lotto WE'. You want to see the same line numbers in WS*.* files for a more comprehensive horseracing strategy.

Program name: FileLines.

For more info, read:

* Option 'U = Text File Reverser'
The program reverses the order in text files: the bottom becomes the top. Useful in arranging the horse racing data files in the order required by LotWon software. Uncooperative Web sites publish horseracing histories (drawings, results) in an unnatural order: The most recent drawing goes to the bottom, instead of the TOP. Ion Saliu's lottery and gambling software requires starting with the most recent draw or race, and go all the way down to the oldest drawing in that lottery/horseracing game (bottom of file).

Program name: UpDown.

For more info, read:

Horses software generates all types of sets, including boxed trifectas, straight triactor.

* A majority of the programs in this menu represent GENERAL-PURPOSE lottery and gambling software. They can be useful for horseracing, however.

* Option 'P = Generate All Possible Type of Sets'
This software generates ALL possible types of sets: Exponents, permutations, arrangements, combinations - and Powerball, Mega Millions, Euromillions combinations. The software generates the sets in lexicographical order or randomly. The sets can be numerical or be composed of words.
An example of exponents (N=3, M=3): 111,112,113,121,122,123,131,132, etc.
An example of permutations (N=3): 123, 132, 213, 231, 312, 321.
An example of arrangements (N=3, M=2): 12, 13, 21, 23, 31, 32.
An example of combinations (N=3, M=2): 12, 13, 23.

You won't find a similar software title anywhere else — now, or in the near future.

Program name: PermuteCombine.

For more info, read:

* Option 'L = Software for Lexicographic Order'
The program finds the lexicographical order (index or rank) of a given set and conversely finds the set for a specified index (rank, or numeral, or lexicographic order). Applicable to these set types: Exponents, permutations, arrangements, combinations, Powerball (5+1), and Euromillions (5+2) combinations.

You won't find a similar application anywhere else — now, or in the near future.

Program name: LexicographicSets.

For more info, read:

* Option 'B = Generate Combinations inside FFG Median Bell'
This software generates combinations in the FFG median zone and inside the bell (Gauss) curve. The program can be used for: pick-3 4 lotteries, horse racing, lotto-5, -6, -7, Powerball, Mega Millions '5+1', Euromillions '5+2', roulette, sports betting, and soccer pools.

Program name: BellCurveGenerator.

For more info, read:

* Option 'F = Lexico-Index File'
This program opens a horseracing data file (drawings) and adds indexes to the corresponding trifectas in the file. The indexes are calculated based on the arrangements lexicographical order or index for that type of horseracing. For example, a 10-horse game consists of 10 * 9 * 8 = 720 arrangements. The lotto combinations are 'boxed' arrangements.

Program name: DrawIndex.

For more info, read:

* Option 'O = Probability, Odds Calculator'
The probability software calculates all the ODDS of any lotto game, including Powerball/Mega Millions and Euromillions games, plus horse races. For example, the odds of a lotto-49 game drawing 6 numbers: '0 of 6'; '1 of 6'; '2 of 6'; '3 of 6'; '4 of 6'; '5 of 6'; '6 of 6'. The probability is calculated as EXACTLY and as AT LEAST 'M of N'.

The 'Generalized' option calculates the odds for any two-in-one lotto games, including Powerball, Mega Millions, and Euromillions. The 'Horseracing' option calculates the odds for exactas (top 2 finishers), trifectas (top 3 finishers), superfectas (top 4 finishers), etc. The horse racing odds are calculated also as STRAIGHT and BOXED.

Program name: OddsCalc.

For more info, read:

* Option 'S = The Definitive Probability, Statistics, and Gambling Software'
SuperFormula is the definitive software for statistics, probability, odds, gambling mathematics ... and much more. The functions are grouped in 12 categories. Each software category has its own detailed sub-categories. This unique application grew from the request by many people to create software to automate the calculations in the Fundamental Formula of Gambling (FFG). FFG discovered the most fundamental elements of theory of probability and also the Universe: The relation between the degree of certainty (DC), probability p, and number of trials N.

You won't find a similar software program anywhere else — now, or in the near future.

Program name: SuperFormula.

For more info, read:

* Option 'H = Play-Last-N-Draws as a Lotto Wheel'
The lottery and horseracing utilities check for winning numbers in files of real drawings or horse races. A data file will be checked against itself as if playing the last N races before current draw. For example, check the wins when I play the last 57 draws in a 6/49 lotto game; the odds of '3 in 6' are 57 to 1; how many '3 of 6' hits and other hits in 100 lottery drawings?

Program name: CheckHits.

For more info, read:

* Option 'U = The Old Horseracing Utilities'
This piece of software was superseded by Super Utilities (option S in the Main Menu). Just nostalgia, I guess!

Program name: UtilH32.

For more info, read:

Horse racing trifecta software requires a one-time payment to download all applications, apps.

Principal Resources in Horse Racing: Theory, Software, Systems, Trifectas

Bright-H3 horses software consists of 4 big categories, each full of horse racing programs.

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Powerful horse-racing winning software at off-track-wagering OTW.